I didn't have a miss carriage and I didn't give birth to a still born. I found out I was pregnant with our first baby in July 2014 with a baby boy due in March. At my 25 week checkup everything looked beautiful but I quickly got preeclampsia after and they had to take my son Otto at 26 weeks. He was a miracle and came out even breathing on his own. While in The NICU trying to gain weight he got a bowel injury and they didn't act soon enough and he passed away at One Month old.
I am now pregnant again and found out we conceived on the due date of our first son Otto and this ones due date is on the actual birthday of our son. Due to the type of c-section I had I have to have this baby a month early.
I'm consumed with fear. I watched my baby boy grow and he knew my voice and would turn his head to look at me and I loved his personality and everything about him. Its hard now to get excited about this baby after getting so attached to the last one and him never making it home. Ideas on how to stay positive????
Re: After baby Otto