February 2015 Moms

4 month sleep regression

Holy. Smokes. Just entered our 4 month sleep regression. I don't think I'm going to make it through!! Went down at 8. Up at 11. Wouldn't go back down until 2:30. Up again at 3:30 until 5:30. Finally got an hour of sleep from 5:30 to 6. Any helpful suggestions for getting thru this?? I feel so bad for LO. And myself. And my husband. And our dogs, lol. It was NOT a peaceful night!!

Re: 4 month sleep regression

  • nikki2002wunikki2002wu member
    edited May 2015
    What's your routine for getting the baby to bed? When he/she wakes up in the middle of the night what do you usually do? For about a week my son did that. We maintained his bedtime routine, when he woke up the middle of the night, waited a little to see if he'll go back to sleep. If not, gave him a pacifier (sometimes it works). If he needed to be fed or changed, we did so with minimal light/noise possible. My husband used to always cut the light and TV on when he would get my son up until he realized that made him want to stay up even more! Also, what does his/her day time schedule look like? Is he/sheactive in the day or sleep a lot?
  • Im right there with you! My LO has been up every 2hrs without fail all week. I think it's a combination of a growth spurt and wonder week. If you haven't read about wonder weeks, do! It helps keep me sane during all this to know that afterwards he will have a new skill to display. Whosthatmom.com also talks about it and documents all the signs and symptoms of a wonder week she noticed as her daughter went through them, which I have found helpful.
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  • Same here:-/ my baby is eating all night that he doesn't want to eat during the day. We've used the swing for naps and a few nights. I've read that the key is getting them to fall asleep on their own but my 3.5 month old is too young to do so
  • rbw299rbw299 member
    My LO is 14 weeks and used to be a great sleeper (starting around 9 or 10 weeks we were up to 8 solids hours!) but this week has been up at 2am and 3am and every hour after that! No matter what I do. Pacifier, nighttime feeding, diaper change, repositioning, white noise...it doesn't matter. I'm going to research this regression and check out that wonder week. Hey husband heard from other husbands to try tylenol and oragel(spelling) at bedtime in case it's their gums hurting them, but I don't want to give my child that EVERY NIGHT! good luck to you I will continue to follow your post!!
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