August 2015 Moms

UPDATE! pre-eclampsia/ toxemia

sjra1028sjra1028 member
edited June 2015 in August 2015 Moms
I have now been diagnosed with pre-eclampsia/ toxemia. They've warned me that they may end up doing a c-section around 32 weeks, but will try to get my body to hold out until 35 weeks if possible. This has turned our world upside down overnight. I'm on increased meds and strict bedrest until next week. If they find protein in my urine next week, then I'll be in the hospital until I deliver. We're scared, nervous, anxious... Every emotion has coursed through us in the past 24 hours. Luckily, our little girl isn't showing any signs of distress. She's still kicking strong and all over the place.

Has anyone been through this? I need some hope that we'll both be okay.

My dr ended up seeing me today vs Wednesday! I've lost 3 lbs in 5 days which he says is good bc he thinks it was water retention from my bp. The higher dose of bp meds is working. It's still slightly high, but not as bad as it was last week! Unfortunately, I've started having a lot of contractions which he says is caused by my bp bc it's my bodies natural reaction to the stress. Sooo I'll have to have a pelvic exam at each appt now. I have +3 protein in my urine, but again it's bc of my bp. He has higher hopes now that I'll be able to make it to August since my meds are working! I'll also be on early maternity leave as of 6/12.

Re: UPDATE! pre-eclampsia/ toxemia

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    EmJ628EmJ628 member
    My SIL had pre-e with both of hers- undiagnosed with her first one and then they kept a close eye on it with her second. My nephew was born at nearly 34wks and did 1 wk in the NICU and my niece was born at 36 wks anD no NICU. They are both super healthy kids now (5 and almost 1) and SIL got through fine. You will make it!! T&P to you!
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    My cousin had severe pre-e and had a c-section at 28 weeks. Baby Anabella is a beautiful healthy 5 year old. She stayed 1 month in the NICU. Hang in there! Everything will go great! Saying a prayer for you.
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    This must be a very scary and difficult time for you BUT at least it was caught quickly and you are being monitored closely! A friend of mine had this undiagnosed for awhile, and had to have an emergency c section. She now has a happy and healthy 5 year old. Good luck to you!
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    A friend of mine had pre-eclampsia with her first pregnancy. She was on meds and bedrest and ended up going into labor at 35 weeks. Her son spent four weeks in the NICU. He's 2 now and they are both very healthy and had a great NICU experience.

    She's now 35 weeks with her second child and all is well. She hasn't been diagnosed with pre-eclampsia this pregnancy. Thoughts and prayers are with you. Hang in there, momma!
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    Were you planning on a c-section or will the doctor not consider inducing and allowing you to have a vaginal birth? I was diagnosed with it at 36 weeks and induced for a vaginal delivery at 37. So just curious. 

    Pre-E is risky for mom and can escalate quickly with the only cure being delivery. So that's the reason they are monitoring you closely. Listen to the strict bed rest instruction, even though it's so hard to do. You need to stay as relaxed as possible and let others pamper you right now. I know the roller coaster of emotions it can be. It was definitely not how I envisioned DD's birth going. 

    Baby was perfectly fine, it was me that wasn't feeling so great. After delivery I felt 100 times better. I didn't recognize how cruddy I was feeling until I was better. No lasting effects from Pre-E. I had to be on blood pressure medicine for a few weeks following delivery but at my 6 week appointment all was back to normal. 

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    No experience just lots of prayers and creepy internet stranger hugs.
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    No personal experience with this but ::hugs:: I'm sure you're going over scenario after scenario. While I wouldn't wish a NICU stay on anyone, the nurses and Drs are wonderful encouraging people. Do whatever you need for yourself and your sanity while on bedrest and/or if your LO is delivered early. I found that Googleing made my anxiety worse and the bump helped. When LOs were hospitalized, I found that I needed space and for people to not call and bother me (get info through DH and my parents) but that was just me. Thinking of you! Hoping that in a week you will be allowed to continue at home.
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    Thank you ladies!!! What's ridiculous is my family wants to know the exact day of my c-section so they can plan. How the heck am I supposed to know??? So now I've stopped answering their calls. Too much stress.
    I'm so glad to hear all of those babies are healthy now! My husband's 1st wife had their 2nd child at 25 weeks and he passed away after ten days, so my husband is on edge. But the difference with our pregnancies was that she was on drugs and disappeared until she showed up at the hospital 6 months later without having prenatal care. I keep trying to remind him(and myself) that she's a fighter and she'll make it!

    @PixelPosy I had a c-section with my first due to a failed induction. I was supposed to be scheduled for August 7th with this pregnancy, but now we're praying to make it to July. And it's day 2 of bedrest and I'm bored to death already!
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    @sjra1028 : I'm sorry to hear about this and wish you love and hugs. This is my first and I'm high risk, and I get nervous if anything happens and anxiety takes over. Something im trying to work on , but with my big imagination and curiosity ,well that's why I have anxiety. lol. I'm sorry that your family is bothering you because that can take a big toll on your stress levels and wish they understand that. But there probably wanting to see your precious baby. Glad your ignoring their calls and if all else fails tell them how you feel and they should get the hint. Good luck and wishing nothin but the best for you and family.
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    My best friend had severe pre-e and ended up being induced and having our goddaughter at 32.5 weeks. She spent 1 week in the NICU. Doctors warned us that she would probably be a little behind in size and developmental milestones but she will be 2 years old this June and there are no signs that she was premature. She actually very big for her age (has been wearing 3T clothes for months) and wasn't delayed in sitting/craving/walking. She's actually almost completely potty trained, as well, despite her little stubborn diva attitude. As far as my friend's health, she felt completely better after delivery. They wouldn't let her eat until the medicine got out of her system so she was hungry and cranky but that was her only complaint.

    I'm sure bed rest would make anyone feel like they're going crazy (I know I would be going nuts!) but hang in there. It will all be worth it when you see your little girl's precious face! Thoughts and prayers until then :)

    And please keep us updated!
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    I had preeclampsia with my first. Now 30 weeks 4 days kinda freaking out cause my legs are pitting and that was the first sign I had last time. Anywhoooo, stay calm, have faith it will all be okay, enjoy the downtime because outside baby will keep you so busy! I know all of that is easier said than done, but, if you can stay peaceful and positive it's much better for your overall health. I was induced at 37 weeks and hospitalized for a week prior to the induction. My Sedona came out perfect and needed no NICU time. She's a crazy four year old now
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    I had pre-e with my son 4 years ago. I had a random night hospitalized around 24 weeks and bed rest for a couple weeks too. They started monitoring me closely at 22weeks and I made it to 38 weeks before they induced me. One dr was trying to scare us that we would deliver at 26/28 weeks etc. I know the bed rest is hard but it really is best for you to be resting on your left side, minimal salt and watching out for any signs of pre-e getting worse like sudden headaches and blurred vision. My son was born perfectly fine, no nicu time. No lasting effects of the pre-e but be prepared that the 48 hours after the c/s could be pretty dreadful if they have you on the magnesium drip. It makes you feel like you have the flu and just feel generally crappy and tired. :( but once they turn off the magnesium drip you will start to feel a lot better. Best wishes!
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    Thank you guys! We wanna make it to our original date!!! I've been having "benign contractions" since last night. My OB said it could be from the stress. It's like a belt of pain that wraps all the way around my abdomen and back. :( and my left hand keeps going numb. How can this all be happening so fast???
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    Miz_LizMiz_Liz member
    Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!
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    gulimzgulimz member
    Hang in there! I have a co-worker who had pre-e with her twins then with her second pregnancy. Both times she was put on bed rest and had c-section. But all 3 of her sons are healthy, beautiful, happy. My t&p are with you and your little girl =)
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    I just found out that I might have it. I am pretty worried about it. I am sure that everything will turn out ok though.

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    Your hand going numb is most like just due to fluid retention during pregnancy. I had that happen last time as well as pregnancy carpentunnel
    Team Pink! Baby Girl due 8.2.15
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    I had  pre-e with my first child.  I went a full 41 weeks and 4 days and delivered vaginally.   this was in 1996 and I am not sure if procedure changed or if it was because my DH was in the military, but they never induced or told me that they might.  I was swollen like a balloon and had to have a magnesium drip during delivery.  They also continually monitored my BP while in delivery and checked my pupils for signs of dilation.  I had the most intense headache after I gave birth, and all of the swelling started going down.  Other than that, I was fine and so was my baby girl.  Now my first baby did end up in the NICU, but that was due to a delay in pooping which resolved itself with no problems and was not connected to the Pre-e. 
    I wish you the best of luck.  Follow the dr.'s orders and be very gentle with yourself!
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    What is pitting?
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    Dr just found protein in my urine. Hope all goes well for you.
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    @startingagain2015 I hope the dr gives you good news!
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