Ughhh have to vent somewhere.
When I first met MH I was amazed - a dude who didn't snore!! My ex-H snored like crazy, but he was much older than me etc etc. So I thought Oh my I'm so blessed. Well not so much anymore. We've been together over 7 yrs and things have gone bad in that department and no nose strips will help.
I am pissed bc the last couple of nights I've been up because of him snoring MORE than I'd been up with the baby over the past months!!
Call us weird, but here's our setup right now. After C was born I decided to sleep in the nursery to be closer to her (couldn't run across the house after a csection) and so that he wouldn't get woken up all the time and be tired for work.
Then when she started sleeping longer I moved back into our room bc the daybed in the nursery was squeaky and uncomfy and was waking baby up, and I booted him into the guest room - for similar reasons. I didn't want him to be up 3+ times each night.
Well now she only eats 1x night and some nights could prob go without eating but i still go feed her if I see her eyes are open on the monitor around 4am bc I'm worried about my milk supply. And he now has started bringing up complaints about her not sleeping through the night still at 6mo and kind of wants me to be done pumping for her.
So then the last couple of nights he slept in our room bc our guest room was occupied and I SWEAR I was up more because of his snoring than I ever was because of the baby!!! So frustrating! Need to boot him out again. We went to bed around 10pm last night and by 11:25 (I checked the time on my phone) I had already been up 3x because of him. And it kept going and going all night. I'm SOOO exhausted this morning. And we're on vacay for the next 5 days and he will expect me to be cheerful and full of energy and romp around the mountains like nothing happened...
Anybody else dealing with snoring husbands? How do I fix him??
Re: A husband who snores...
But hubs does do his share of snoring. Half the time it sounds like whistling. He recently had a sleep study done and has to wear a sleep mask. It may be something your hubs needs to do.
And yeah he has a whole repertoire of snores, some plain old drunken snores or from laying on his back. But one kind sounds like progressively shorter and shorter breaths, then he stops breathing altogether for a few seconds and then wakes with a startle and the cycle repeats... But he wakes rested and all that so apparently it is not really interferig with anything. I don't know. I keep telling him to go talk to a doc about that bc it might get worse with time... We'll see.