Nurseries and Baby Gear

Ergo carrier question. ..

DoridoodlesDoridoodles member
edited May 2015 in Nurseries and Baby Gear
I have Been looking for a carrier for my baby for a while. With my last one I tried the Moby Wrap. I hated it.. it was way too hot and it gave me some major back pain. I was looking at the Ergo ... it seems like it would be a great fit and the reviews are good they say it's comfortable and you can use it while breastfeeding. Have any of you Moms used it what are your thoughts?

Re: Ergo carrier question. ..

  • It's a very popular carrier. My fiancé used one and loved it. It didn't work for me -- the straps kept falling off my shoulders. I used a Boba 3G.

    See if there is a babywearing group near you that will let you try on different carriers without having to buy first.
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  • I love mine! I went into a store (where you can try them on) for a Mai Thai, and walked out with the Ergo. The straps shouldnt fall off your shoulders, if you are adjusting the strap that is between your shoulder blades correctly. My daughter will be 4 in October, and I still carry her in it (usually back carry) when we are out and about, if I don't feel like bringing the stroller. 
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  • I have one and like it. It's a little difficult to coordinate getting it on at first but it can hold a lot of weight. Lifesaver! I have my 2 year old in it still! Only issue we had was we had to buy a belt extension for hubby and my mom to wear it (and me for the few months after giving birth). It fits snugly.
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  • I bought an Ergo because of all the rage about them.  It was good.  The straps would fall off my shoulders, no matter how tight I got it and yes, I was wearing it properly.  Closing the back buckle was a PITA and by the time I was all situated, I just wanted to take it off.

    I looked into the Beco Gemini and tried that on.  SO MUCH easier to get on and off because you can criss cross the straps in the back and buckle in the sides.  I also liked the front facing baby option.  The carrier is lighter too.  I sold my Ergo and haven't regretted my decision!  I love my Beco Gemini!
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  • I looooove Ergo carriers. They fit well, never gave me back pain (as opposed to wraps I've tried, which were a pain to put on and wore me out quickly), and they're ergonomically safe; a lot of carriers are damaging to babies' hips but Ergo is not.
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