So the very first shot for RSV the boys got in November was in their right leg. Evan had an instant reaction that two nurse practitioners and a Dr had never seen before. His legs got so red and purple and splotchy and he was inconsolable for about 30 mins. Then it all went away and he was fine.
The second shot in December was in the left leg and no problems.
Today's 3rd shot was back in the right leg and it happened again but not as badly. And it also happened to Cameron too this time, but he also had the added side effect of funny red spots on the bottom of his feet. The Dr and NP on duty today both thought it almost looked like Foot and Mouth disease, but we know it's not because they don't have any other symptoms and we were watching for bad reactions because of Evan's history with this shot. It did eventually go away for both boys, Cameron was the only one who had the funny red spots on the bottoms of his feet.
They are fine now and snoozing away. I hope they are in a better mood when their PT comes at 3pm today to work on their fitness.... Why are my kids the weirdos? My DH says that's what I get for having his daemon spawn!! LOL!
Re: XP: Another bad reaction to RSV shot!
geeze! I've never really examined the boy's legs or feet after the shot. The nurse comes to the house, weighs them, gives the shot, put their jammies back on and we're done.
I'll have to look this month!?
Don't let it fool you! Cuteness and trouble go hand in hand. DH's family is full of smarty pants boys who like to wreck havoc with big blue eyes.