November 2015 Moms

need shower advice

I moved out of state last year but I'm having my baby shower back home. How can I word the invitations so that everyone ships the gifts (or just the bulky ones) to my home rather than bringing it to the shower? Then I'll have to schlep it home.

Re: need shower advice

  • You can't.

    Your guests surely know you live out of state. They will probably take that into consideration, give them some credit. If you do receive a present that won't fly, return it locally and repurchase when you get home.

    part of accepting a shower is being responsible for getting your presents home. But I'm sure your guests will consider travel when they purchase the gift.
  • I would register for bulky items only on Amazon, that way everything will need to be shipped in the first place.  Make your address the default shipping address for registry items.  Beyond doing that, I would not try to dictate how people provide me the gifts for the shower. 
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  • I agree with PP you should not dictate how you gifts are given.

    A long distance shower can be done. I live 1500 miles away from my home town. I flew in for mine and brought and empty suitcase. I removed all the clothes from hangers and unboxed/tagged everything to reduce weight. I carried all the little things back home and the only big item was kindly shipped to my home without any prompting. Honestly I got a ton of gift cards and adorable small items. I wrote my thank yous on the plane while it was still fresh. I had a fabulous shower!
  • You can't.
    We had two showers back in my home state. A few people shipped gifts to our home but generally they brought gifts to the shower.
    I simply returned them in Indiana and repurchased them in Colorado. We did bring one extra suitcase to bring home homemade gifts or gifts that were purchased at local boutiques.
    I did the same thing for our bridal showers. It isn't that complicated.
    Baby Boy born on 1/14/13
  • My friends and I hosted a shower here in North Carolina for our friend who is expecting twins and lives in CA. We did not word the invitation any differently but myself and a couple others took the initiative to ask the other guests if they would like to chip in with us on purchasing big ticket items and have them shipped directly to her. Everyone except for a few participated and we were able to buy two car seats, two pack n plays, the double stroller and give a gift card of a good amount. Although you can't really put that kind of request on an invitation, people who are close to you will consider that you are traveling and will hopefully be mindful of that when they decide what to give. 
  • JLW0504JLW0504 member
    Are you hosting your shower? If so, I'd definitely give up the reigns. It's considered tacky and gift grabby to host your own.

    Also, there is a baby shower board dedicated to help tackle such dilemmas as yours.
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