Formula Feeding

question on preparing formula

FTM (due in August):  So, I legitimately have a question about formula. I have read some other threads, but didn't want to thread jack with my question: 

I am a huge researcher into almost everything "big"...probably my own worst enemy in some cases. With powdered formula I keep reading that powdered formula isn't sterilized, so the water needs to be boiled and added to the powder. Then cooled to feeding temp. 
And, that under the age of 2 months is should be ready to feed stuff (because that is sterilized). 

I am getting conflicting information about both statements, and honestly am quite confused. What do you do? 

FYI: We have hard water, and I use bottled water for our drinking or filtered water through Brita or Pur. We do cook with tap water.

Re: question on preparing formula

  • Powdered formula is not sterile. It is my understanding that they are not able to make it that way. Ready to feed formula is though from what I read. But, you do have to consider that I you buy a large jug of ready to feed , once it is open it is no longer sterile.
    I used ready to feed with both my girls until they we're about 1 month old and then switched to powdered. As long as you are following the instructions on the can the powdered is perfectly fine.
    We always used nursery water and stored it in the fridge to inhibit any possible bacteria growth after opened. We also steam sterilized the bottles after every washing to ensure they are clean (we do not have a dishwasher)
    Our babies come in contact with so many non-sterile objects everyday (our hands, their hands, pacifiers, etc) that I feel they are just fine with the powder. Th one exception I suppose would be if they were born premature or have a weakened immune system. Then its probably best to seek a doctors advice.
    Sorry, I know I kind of rambled on but I hope I helped at least a little.
  • Thank you!
    It's a practical application. 
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  • Tap water is fine to use, unless you live in an area where it's not. Since you filter your water, the Brita water is okay to use as well. Just keep in mind baby may have a preference to warm, room temp or cold formula. I have primarily used the powdered starting at six weeks to supplement when my daughter was at daycare. When we traveled, I tried the ready to feed but it seemed like it was much thicker and I always had to water it down. Nursery water is inexpensive to use, but it's not necessary. I have used it a couple of times when traveling and my MIL gave us a lot. 
    When washing my daughter's bottles, I always soaked them in hot, soapy water first then put them in the dishwasher. 
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