My LO will be 4 months in two weeks and she still wakes up twice at night to feed. I don't mind at all but is she supposed to sleep through the night?? Ps, she is EBF
Says who that she's supposed to?? Babies sttn when they're ready.
My 6mo still wakes up to eat 1 time, where my first DD was sttn starting at 3mo. My friend's 1 year old STILL wakes up SEVERAL times and he's a HUGE baby, wears 24m sizes and eats a ton, so it's not for lack of food.
There is no rhyme or reason to it, but I would say expecting a 4mo to sttn is pretty early...
Every baby is different. And when they do sleep through the night it does not mean they will do it forever. Right now babies wake up to tell us they need something. It could be food or just some cuddles.
Re: Curious mom!!!
Babies sttn when they're ready.
My 6mo still wakes up to eat 1 time, where my first DD was sttn starting at 3mo. My friend's 1 year old STILL wakes up SEVERAL times and he's a HUGE baby, wears 24m sizes and eats a ton, so it's not for lack of food.
There is no rhyme or reason to it, but I would say expecting a 4mo to sttn is pretty early...