It seems like Eva might be trying to drop a nap. This past weekend she screamed bloody murder when I tried to get her down for her afternoon nap but took both naps fine yesterday and then today she screamed for her morning nap. I didn't think she'd be ready to get down to just one nap a day until she was 15 months. How old was your baby/toddler when they went to one nap a day? What time do you have him/her nap? Eva just turned 1 on Dec 29. She was napping from 9:15ish until 10:30 and 2ish until 3:00. Thanks!
Re: One nap - when did your baby drop a nap?
We are having the same problem with Sydney, she seems to want to only nap for an hour in the am and pm, but too often fights the am nap.
Little DD is now 17 months. She stopped taking 2 naps a few weeks ago. Now she takes a nap around 11:00 until about 12:30.
If she doesn't get at least an hour in, she might take another one around 3:00 but it's only about 30 minute one, and not guaranteed.