
Help! 4 month old bottle strike

Help! My 4 month old (18 weeks) is suddenly refusing the bottle. She initially didn't like the bottle when I first went back to work, but she has been taking the bottle just fine for the past month. All of the sudden this week, she decided that she isn't going to take it any more. She doesn't even really try to latch on or anything, she just screams and screams. My daycare lady said it is even worse than when she initially wouldn't take the bottle when she first started at daycare. Any thoughts?(we have tried different bottles, but I don't think that is it since she refuses to even latch)  She nurses just fine at home.  Thoughts?  Advice?  Thank you!
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Re: Help! 4 month old bottle strike

  • LLL has a really good fact sheet on bottle feeding the breastfed baby, I can't grab the link for you because I'm mobile. It outlines how to make it more natural and like a nursing session instead of a bottle feeding. It can also help your care provider to have a recently worn or slept with article of clothing or a blanket that they can place on them while feeding baby. Meanwhile, you could ask her spoon feed her breastmilk or use a syringe.
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