May 2015 Moms

Freaked out

The closer my due date (18th, May ) gets the more I'm freaked out. I wished she will come earlier the whole time, now I just want her to stay in longer as I feel I'm not ready and I can't do this.
Does anyone else feel the same?

Re: Freaked out

  • That is the way I felt! My baby is 2 weeks old and I'm still terrified sometimes. But, that comes with anything new especially with taking care of a new human being.
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  • This is my third and I still freak out sometimes. It's all normal. Hormones are crazy but it will be great once baby gets here. It has hard days but amazing overall.

  • You all will do great. Being a mom can be scary but trust your gut. That mommy instinct is there even when you think it's not. The scary moments will come and go no matter how old baby is just remember you can do it.
  • ali0608ali0608 member
    I was exactly the same way with my first. I couldn't believe they were letting me leave the hospital since I felt like I wasn't prepared at all! But you figure it out (and then they change again) and you realize how amazing children can be.
    My guess is if you are freaked out about being a parent, you'll do awesome!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I'm also due May 18th and have been very emotional lately. Some times the anticipation of baby getting here drives me crazy and other times I am almost in a panic thinking I'm not ready. I called my husband crying today because of all the emotions I've been going through and I've never been a cryer. I just try to stay busy and keep my mind occupied and hope the days go by quickly.
  • Yes!!! Everyone I have talked to who have had babies just terrify me about labor even more!! One girl I work with said she loves having babies because the nurses pamper you after but everyone else said its the hardest and most painful thing a woman will ever have to go through. I'm just sitting here like.."I can't do this I can't do this I can't do this". My due date is the 19th and I'm honestly praying she's breech so I can just get cut open and call it a day haha
  • DooraDoora member
    Thanks ladies...
  • DooraDoora member

    Yes!!! Everyone I have talked to who have had babies just terrify me about labor even more!! One girl I work with said she loves having babies because the nurses pamper you after but everyone else said its the hardest and most painful thing a woman will ever have to go through. I'm just sitting here like.."I can't do this I can't do this I can't do this". My due date is the 19th and I'm honestly praying she's breech so I can just get cut open and call it a day haha

    I accidentally read an article that says giving birth is like you're breaking 20 of your bones at the same time,have never broken one but I imagine it means ' lot of pain' also my baby girl's head engaged in the perfect position for weeks now and she has absolutely no space to move otherwise so no c section here lol

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