Working Moms

In home help for a FTWM

New to this board, but it seems like the right place to ask my question. I am a full time working mom with 2 littles. We live in an area where we are able to utilize an amazing amish family to care for our children. Recently M has brought up coming into our home once or twice a week to assist me with daily house work. DH has agreed that, within reason, this is something we should consider. I don't consider myself to be controlling or a neat freak.

My question to those that have ever had the luxury...How much do I pay her? what should I "expect" her to do?  What is a cleaning list that I should present her?

I was going to give her a list of things it would be nice to have help with, and then I was going to see what she is comfortable with. This is an extreme luxury in my mind/world and im a bit taken aback. I don't know how to proceed. The help will be more than appreciated and I don't want to insult her pay wise or what we "expect" of her. Of course our children come first for her and us. I just don't know what to do! 

Re: In home help for a FTWM

  • I would maybe start by just asking her what the parameters of what she would do and how much she would charge are. Then maybe compre to cleaning service postings online and see if it's reasonable in your area?
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