I have a two year old that I did disposable diapers with, and am wanting to do cloth diapers with our next one(due 01/2016). What are the best brands, and any other advise anyone has on cloth diapering would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance!
Re: Help please!
LFAF February Siggy Challenge - "Favorite TV/Movie Couple"
DD: 10/17/13
TTC#2 Actively: 10/14, NTNP: 01/14
Left-Sided Hydrosalpinx (cause: genetic abnormality, TREATED 11/16)
I like flats and covers because it's very inexpensive, but has the steepest learning curve. All in ones are as simple as a disposable, but cost the most. Pockets are my least favorite because you need to stuff the insert.