Really just curious ... MS is non-stop all day. With my DD I took Zofran and it was a miracle drug but apparently my dr will no longer prescribe b/c the FDA warned against it.
I've tried phenergan, Diclegis & meclozene (sp?) ... They don't do a thing.
Re: Anyone still get prescribed Zofran?
I can't remember where I saw it but I swear I just saw a thread about this and their doc wouldn't prescribe it. I do know someone whose had it really really bad and they were giving her Zofran thru an IV. That was just a month or so ago.
Oh and I discovered today that lime Popsicles ... The real fruit kind ... Help SOOO much but unfortunately only while in actually sucking on it ... Would be slightly odd to walk around all day licking a Popsicle
As for Zofran, I can see that they may still use it for the extreme cases where that can't keep a thing down .., I am so nauseous & shaky all day but I very rarely actually throw up ... So I'm totally useless but not in danger of dehydration.
My DH just asked me, so how much longer will this last? A few days?. What short term memory he has! I told in at least a few more weeks (like 5 or 6) ha! Poor guy.
I need some thieves and purification tho. I'm out!
I am ordering some preggy pops today!
Today is extra crappy ... Everything is making me more sick ... Crackers, tea, ginger
Called my Dr and he apologized numerous times that he could not Rx Zofran ... Has to do with differing studies & lawsuits.
Well thanks ladies for all the advice ... I will survive, only hope the LOs & DH do! Ha
Off the find a lime Popsicle