Pregnant after 35

Anyone still get prescribed Zofran?

Really just curious ... MS is non-stop all day. With my DD I took Zofran and it was a miracle drug but apparently my dr will no longer prescribe b/c the FDA warned against it.
I've tried phenergan, Diclegis & meclozene (sp?) ... They don't do a thing.

Re: Anyone still get prescribed Zofran?

  • I did the natural approach this time. Ginger helps. Essential oils can help too. Lemon on the clavicle helped the most for me. My girlfriend used motion sickness bands and that helped her.

    I can't remember where I saw it but I swear I just saw a thread about this and their doc wouldn't prescribe it. I do know someone whose had it really really bad and they were giving her Zofran thru an IV. That was just a month or so ago.
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  • The essential oils is something I will definitely try! I use them for myself & DS to calm before bed ... Don't know why it didn't cross my mind to use them for MS as well.

    Oh and I discovered today that lime Popsicles ... The real fruit kind ... Help SOOO much but unfortunately only while in actually sucking on it ... Would be slightly odd to walk around all day licking a Popsicle :)

    As for Zofran, I can see that they may still use it for the extreme cases where that can't keep a thing down .., I am so nauseous & shaky all day but I very rarely actually throw up ... So I'm totally useless but not in danger of dehydration.
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  • :)  Make sure you check into safe oils during pregnancy.  I've heard that lavendar is a no no.. cinnamon.. anything with cinnamon in it so like theives or other blends. I think peppermint can be a no no too.. I've heard it can cause babies to flip around.  So I would check that but lemon is safe and I did use that a lot.  

    Oh I bet a lime popsicle did help!! Usually anything sour can help but you're right.. can't really walk around all day with a popsicle in your mouth. lol  Although it would be a conversation starter for sure.  

    I never actually got sick either but I felt on edge pretty much 24/7.  It usually never mattered what I ate or what time of day it was.. if I didn't keep carbs near by at all times.. I was in trouble! Thank GOD that part is over and this is definitely our last one. :) 

    Good luck!! I hope the oils help. m/s is miserable! 


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  • Thank you so much for all the info! I plan to go to While Foods tonight .. It's the closet place that sells oils etc ... And pick a few things up. And I honestly would not of thought to check on oils & pregnancy! I'll get some ginger candies or gum too.
    My DH just asked me, so how much longer will this last? A few days?. What short term memory he has! I told in at least a few more weeks (like 5 or 6) ha! Poor guy.
  • HWKIHWKI member
    Preggie Drops candies helped me and it's something you can eat at work that is discreet.
  • ewennerewenner member
    I don't have any recommendations for you, but I wanted to add that I'm sorry you're feeling so bad, and I think you should totally walk around with a lime popsicle in your mouth all day long.
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  • I use young living. I sell them too but I'm not hardcore into selling. There are a ton of people who sell them. Usually they come in 2-3 days. I just ordered some clary sage because I heard it can help progress labor im when applied to the insides on your ankles. lol. On not going to do it right now. I'll give it a bit since I'm just 37 wks tomorrow

    I need some thieves and purification tho. I'm out!
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  • browneyes_326browneyes_326 member
    edited May 2015
    Well, I bought lemon essential oil ... I think it helps! It seems to ease the feeling for a short while anyway. I also bought ginger chews ... They help sometimes & sometimes not :(
    I am ordering some preggy pops today!
    Today is extra crappy ... Everything is making me more sick ... Crackers, tea, ginger :(
    Called my Dr and he apologized numerous times that he could not Rx Zofran ... Has to do with differing studies & lawsuits.
    Well thanks ladies for all the advice ... I will survive, only hope the LOs & DH do! Ha
    Off the find a lime Popsicle :)
  • I never took anything RX even though my first 17-20 weeks of every pregnancy was crazy sickness and throwing up.  Nothing totally took away that awful feeling.  Sore things did seem to help soothe away some of that gaggy feeling.  Those little sore candies in the round containers at grocery check out aisles...can't think of the name now....always carried those.  Any sour apple sucker or hard candy.  Things like that.  During a couple pregnancies I found sparkling Ocean Spray cranberry drinks to be the only thing I could keep down.  The tart and the fizz just worked well.  They are sold in like 4 packs of smaller than pop cans.  Sometimes ruby red grapefruit worked well.  I can't say these things took away the feeling but they helped keep me from puking more than once.  Also, I found NOT running to the bathroom when I was really feeling sick.  Running into the bathroom just seemed to trigger that "I am in here to throw up" mentality.  If I sayed away and tried to relax through the feeling, sometimes I could avoid actually throwing up.
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