My 8 yr old SD was diagnosed last year as having ADHD (by a Psychiatrist) After doing more research I she feel mimics more of the symptoms of SPD or High Functioning Autism (careless, easily distracted, seems to be in her own world, has trouble interacting with other kids, repetitive behavior, sensitive to smells/sounds, trouble controlling emotions) She's recently been seeing a counselor once a week to work on social skills and just talk about anything that is going on. I feel she needs more though, than just one hour a wk with someone. She does have a 504 plan at school. What concerns us is that she is content laying on her bed for hours just throwing her pillow up and down and doesn't really like to seem to join the family in activities. She also says the smell in our house bothers her. Ive looked into different programs, OT,etc... but everything is at least 45 minutes from us, which makes it harder. We just really aren't sure how to proceed..The counselor said she could fit the diagnosis of high functioning autism but thought if we managed the adhd that she would fall off the autism diagnosis, she also seems to lean more toward medication, which we aren't ready for at this point. Any input is appreciated.
Re: What to do next
Hi my name Is Megan 27 from florida my son was dx with adhd and autism last year it has been a struggle but we are finally getting things under control.