Hey mommies! Question. I'm the maid of honor at my sister in laws wedding on august 22, however my due date is Aug 4. yikes! I'll only be 2 weeks post pardum. Do you gals think I should be OK to attend the wedding? not sure if I'll be way too exhausted or in too much pain from my stitches down there. Any insight or tips would be helpful. Thank you!
Re: taking newborn baby out at 2 weeks old
Is this your first baby? If so then I wouldn't plan anything at all for the first month except short visits from family and little strolls out in the buggy if and when you feel like it.
At 2 weeks PP I was still physically exhausted from an unexpectedly traumatic birth, bleeding a lot, overtired from sleepless nights with baby and kept getting various infections and things that were knocking me for six. Not to mention I was pumping round the clock because he wouldn't latch on, I was unconfident in feeding him, changing him and to be honest, still emotionally wrought from all the hormones.
Your experience might be completely different from mine but the chances of you doing anything this strenuous this early on are slim. Don't expect anything of yourself for the first 6 weeks other than feeding both your baby and you, getting sleep when you can and occasionally taking a shower
On the note of baby, if you do end up going, you could always leave your baby in his/her car seat with a cover and have your SO take care of him/her. If you feed right before things get going, baby might sleep through the whole ceremony. And if people ask to see baby, just a tell them they are sleeping or a flat no. Most will understand. Family may be pushy about it and if you don't think you will be able to say no (if you don't feel comfortable with people seeing baby) then definitely consider not bringing baby/not going.
Overall, it is possible to make it work but do what feels right to you and take things at your own pace. You are doing an amazing thing!