
First post/

Hi Ladies!! I'm really happy that I've found this forum. Lately life have been just so awful! I have been on Clomid since January and only ovulated once. Now, I'm being sent to a Reproductive endocrinologist. Has anyone one else been to one? What usually happen? I'm scared and my Husband is so supportive, but sometimes regardless I still feel super alone. My emotions are out of control and I just want to cry every time i think about the troubles I'm going through. I just feel hopeless now. Any advice?

Re: First post/

  • Been on that road for a couple years now. I haven't been to a RE yet because all my test come normal. But my cousin really recommends to go a RE. Since its been a tough road even tho my husband is super supportive just like my parents and in laws. Every month I get that late couple days super excited, to get a negative test. I know how it feels, I get super depressed and very emotional because I've pretty much tried everything. Don't be scared! Everything will be fine, keep us posted how your RE apt was.
  • Thank you for you Response! I definitely will!
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  • jnissajnissa member
    Most women on this board have been to an RE - so you are in good company. It's really much better. No matter how nice your obgyn is, he/she is not equipped to treat infertility. 

    Don't be scared! To be honest, you may find the RE trip overwhelming at first (many women do). It' shocking to realize how much about how our bodies work we don't really know, how many possible reasons for infertility there are and treatment options. It's a lot of information to process for many people. Just take it in and know that you have plenty of time to ask questions and get things figured out!
    Me: 41, DH 38, Diagnosis DOR
    Started TTC 12/2013
    First Trip to RE: 11/2014
    IVF Round 1: 2/2014 - BFP
    DD Born 11/9/2014
    TTC a Sibling Started 5/2015
    First IVF Round 8/15 - BFN
    Taking a break to go on vacation + enjoy the holidays before FET and/or another IVF round in 2016!

  • Yes, you should go to an RE! They are experts. They will help you find out the problem and make a plan to fix it. Their staff is very helpful and friendly which means a lot when you are already stressed out and emotional- they understand what you are going through.

    *** siggy warning- losses mentioned- everyone welcome *****


    Me:  36

    DH:  42  (w/ 2 children from prior marriage)

    Us:  TTC for our 1st together since August 2013

    1st BFP:  November 2013  (m/c at 7 wks)

    2nd BFP:  February 2014  (m/c at 6 wks)

    RPL Panel started in March 2014

    3rd BFP:  May 2014 (m/c at 5 wks)

    4th BFP:  June 2014 (CP at 4 wks)

    RE appt in June 2014 (all RPL panel tests are's likely egg quality due to my age and borderline DOR)

    Baseline AFC: 8 follies

    2 IUI cycles (July and August 2014- both BFN)

    IVF #1 w/ ICSI & PGS- October 2014 (AFC: 8 follies; ER Oct 20:  5R/3M/2F;  the 2 only made it to day 3 and stopped growing before biopsy)

    key supplements: DHEA (25mg- 3x/day); CoQ10 (300 mg/day) ISWTE believer here!

    IVF #2 EPP w/ ICSI & PGS- AFC:  13 follies!   10R/6M/6F-  5 biopsied for PGS- 1 normal embryo

    FET scheduled for February 2015 delayed in order to do one more ER in hopes of getting at least 1 more normal embryo

    IVF #3 EPP w/ ICSI & PGS:  7R/5M/5F-  2 biopsied for PGS- 1 normal embryo

    FET #1 April 23, 2015:  1 PGS tested embryo transferred - BFN

    FET #2 June 30, 2015:  1 PGS tested embryo transferred- BFP!! 


  • Thank you, that means so much!
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