December 2015 Moms

Getting a Divorce? SUPPORT & ADVICE

SoCalBeatSoCalBeat member
edited May 2015 in December 2015 Moms
I am contemplating divorcing my DH. I know this is raining on the parade of being happy because you are expecting and carrying a child inside you! However, this is something I need serious opinions on. I don't want people posting replies about how "divorce" is evil and never a good thing, or how you would never divorce your DH because he's so amazing!
I'm just looking for honest opinions on my situation which is personal to me. It's been a long 5 years of manipulation, control tactics and trust issues! I'm just trying to see if I'm being selfish or not and if I should go ahead an divorce my DH.
I'm 24 and he's 37, 13 year difference. We married when I was 19 because we were infatuated with one another. He pressured me for 3 months to say yes to him before the end of 2010; because of tax reasons (he wouldn't owe the gov. as much and I would be a dependent for him). So I said yes, and 3-4 months into marriage he bacame his "real self". He caused me to become an alcoholic with him, he wanted sex twice a day and complained/asked multiple times a day when we would skip sex for a whole day. He talks at me and not with me, because he thinks he knows everything because of his age. He gets mad when I sleep for more than 7 - 8 hours. He manipulates and guilt trips me to work for his business for FREE. He manipulated me into working less days and hours at my real job that pays me. He doesn't like me having friends and he doesn't have any friends. He always asks in an untrusting interrogative manner who I'm talking to, why I got home from work 30 minutes later than usual, or when I go visit my sister (who lives 45 minutes away).
Since out marriage I left him for 3 months after our first 1 1/2 of marriage because he would get wasted and pick fights with me and corner me in the bedroom or bathroom or in our pantry and yell at me about nothings and then I started escaping outside to our backyard and he would tell me to shut up and I would call my sister scared for my life because he felt threatening (as in his vibes) and one night he had me cornored in our kitchen against the pantry and he punched just barely past my face and made a whole in the door, then I tried to get away by pushing him and he pushed me back against the door and hit me in my face. I left for 3 months that time.
Then I came back because he made promises to me and also said he changed. This time around he was good for the first 2 months then reverted back to his old ways. I told him I wouldn't work for his business so I worked as a waitress from 7a-3p, started going to church, went to the gym everyday before work, and quit drinking and smoking! I had sex with him at least 25 times a month on average and deep cleaned the house everyday and cooked dinner every night. He still picked fights with me but I was always on the go if ignored them. I had us go through marriage counseling twice where he always lied. I still felt fear and he still drank and added smoking weed to his plate. I was really unhappy and left because he didn't keep his promises and he didn't change like he said. So I left him for 6 months.
Now I have been back with him for almost 2 years and I've found a happy balance between being "too goody two shoes" and being "devient and bitchy". I am a great human being and diffuse most arguments he tries and starts but he promised me I wouldn't have to work or take care of my bills and that we would go on date night Evey week and he would go to the gym with MD and make a few friends for himself. That " good behavior" lasted 1 month or do then he reverted back.
He speaks at me, he is vulgar about our sex life and when he propositions me for sex, he always has to be right, has threatened to kill him self if I ever leave him, and a lot of the same behaviors already mentioned. He's just very controlling, manipulative, and is always negative about life and his circumstances and is never satisfied no matter what I try and do.
Recently over the last 3 years he's not been violent anymore physically but he does hit walls and throws his phone across the room or does other things. I work late nights at my waitressing job and he spys on me at work... He came in dunk and high on 2 separate occasions because he heard me talking to male guests (nothing flirtatious) after my phone pocket dialed him.

What should I do? Is divorce is a good idea? If you have been in a relationship like this and got out, how did you go about doing it? Are divorce lawyers expensive? Any advice or tips or support helps!

I'm really scared to fail and become a burden to my family who is willing to assist me.

Best Answers

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    CMDDCMDD member
    Answer ✓
    I think your safety and the safety of your baby is most important. Maybe you can go to counseling, but will you be safe at home during that time? I remember learning in college/grad school (too long ago) that most women who are killed by abusive (physical, emotional, financial, etc) husbands are when they've left or tried to leave. it can be tricky- so get help!
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Re: Getting a Divorce? SUPPORT & ADVICE

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    SoCalBeatSoCalBeat member
    edited May 2015
    I'm just looking for opinions on what I should do and whether or not its selfish of me to think about divorce. Is divorce hard to get through? Is the process long? Have you been in a relationship like this before? What were your results?
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    Hey thanks so much! I really appreciate your professional advice on what I should expect and what your clients results were as far as their happiness!

    My sisters fiance told me to go on a forum or thread to seek support so I can see what has happened for them. Since I'm pregnant I figured I would just start a thread on here. I trust you ladies and feel I have a report with you all!
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    BostonBaby1BostonBaby1 member
    edited May 2015
    First of all, I want to say that I'm sorry that you're in this position. No matter what you choose to do, you are supported.

    *Edited for privacy because my girl read this already;-)
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    Loss Mentioned. I have not gone through this, but one of my close friends from high school did. They got married because she got pregnant at 21. Eventually her husband escalated from liquor and weed to drugs. He also escalated from verbal abuse to hitting walls and throwing things. When she lost the baby he constantly berated her for being a bad mom, and told her the baby knew she'd be a bad mom. He started to "garnish" all the money from her pay checks so she couldn't leave, yet he always threatened to leave her. He cut her off from family and friends. He would force her to do drugs with him. She felt like she was losing control of her mind in a drugged state and got scared. She started lying about going to work (she was a waitress, he made her drop out of community college) and got some free counseling at a crisis pregnancy one of the sessions she realized she was devastated about the baby loss but also glad that she did because she would never want him to touch her baby and she never wanted to one with him. After that she packed her stuff and fled to her moms house. They're divorced. She says it's the best decision she's ever made for herself.

    Only you can decide what's best for you. But I think you should ask yourself if you'd want your baby raised and cared for by this man. If he controls, manipulates, and verbally abuses you, do you think he will refrain from these behaviors with your child? Would let anyone treat your child the way he treats you? If the situation were reversed, what would you tell your sister to do? Do you really think you deserve to be treated like this by your husband, the person who has taken a vow to love and cherish you? I disagree that throwing things and hitting walls is nonviolent, because it shows a complete lack of control over his emotions, particularly anger, and that he is not willing to control his actions well. These behaviors tend to escalate. Please consider this.

    Take care of yourself and good luck to you. I will pray for you and your situation.
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    colsen4colsen4 member
    If he has hit you before then chances are good he will do it again. There is also an increased risk that he would hit your child. It is a warning sign that I am trained to look for as I work with children and I am a mandated reporter. He sounds like a classic abuser and that does not change unless he gets help for his drug and alcohol abuse. There also seems to me from what you said that he is verbally and emotionally abusive. He is putting his life in your hands unfairly to try and keep you. If you were to leave and he made an attempt on his life it would not be your fault. That would be his own mental illness which you can do nothing to change. As far as should you divorce him goes only you can decide what is right for you. Just remember that you are also now think of what is best for the baby. Divorce is very hard on children and I have personal experience being a kid in a divorce. It would be better for your baby not to remember the process. You would not be selfish to leave as you would be doing what you feel is best for you and baby. It can cost a lot if he fights you for every little thing. Find out from your local women's groups if they have any recommendations for lawyers as they see this often. Even if they don't it would be a great place to get support should you go through with a divorce or he gets violent again.
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    colsen4colsen4 member
    I am so sorry that you are going through this and i hope that whatever you decide things get better.
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    My sons dad was like that we weren't married but he was abusive it took planning and time to leave him so he wouldn't hurt me.. I left him 6 years ago it was hard I was really scared of him and he didn't work so I couldn't just leave while he was gone.. But he ended up going to prison for awhile after I left and prison really changed him.. He is now an amazing dad a good friend and we can talk to each other as friends.. But leaving him was the best thing i ever did and I'm glad i did when I did.. My kids didn't need to see that anymore he would choke me till i stopped breathing beat me down in front of the boys Michael was 1 and Joey was a newborn I was only 17 but I knew it wasn't right for them I would think about the safety ur unborn child how u want to raise ur child
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    I just want to say that I'm sorry you're going through this. It sounds like you are very unhappy in your marriage and that he doesn't treat you the way you deserve. Best of luck in your decision, I can't imagine how difficult of a position you are in. Hugs.
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    bjj1981bjj1981 member
    You need to leave for your safety!

    If this were your child in 20 years time, what would you advise them?

    I'm a single mum of 3, I'm pregnant to my new boyfriend. My ex husband was abusive and controlling. I put up with it for a while as I blamed it on his mental Illness. Then one day it clicked, that it was no way for my girls to see how he treated me, and that I wanted better for them.
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    I have never been through a divorce, and my parents were never married. But this situation is not OK. And it is not OK to bring a child into this situation. And I applaud you for trying counseling and church, married couples say they would and walk out without a fight. You should feel good in knowing that you really tried and gave it all you had. I would get a lawyer, a strong support group and a therapist. You should not do this without getting the professional help/support that you need.

    Best of luck. Keep us updated.
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    It sounds like your baby is your wake up call. You've known for a while now that you needed to get out and it took the thought of him hurting your baby to make you act on it. Move quickly before he "changes" and tests your resolve. It's harder to leave when he makes all kinds of promises for your future together.
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    I have been in a relationship like that before. My suggestion is find a counsellor for yourself to help you deal with your emotional well being through the process but not certainly, leave. It is hard. He will get angry and threaten you whether it be financially, emotionally or however he can get at you. You have to find a safe friend or family member to stay with until you can get through the process. Men like that can tear you down until there is nothing left but a thread of your former self. They will make you wonder if it's really happening. They will make you think that it is something you did or didn't do. They are legitimately crazy makers. Remember through the whole thing that you are not responsible for his reactions. Do what it best and distance yourself. Stay safe.
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    I think that you have really made your decision already.  You have asked him to change his ways several times and he does for a little while but then he goes back to how he was before.  The best thing that you can do is get out now.  From what you said his behavior is getting worse.  Adding on the stress of a baby is not going to make it any better.

    To answer your question, yes divorce can be hard and it can take a while to be completed but to me it seems that you will be much happier without him.

    I wish you all the best and let us know how things are going.

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    CMDDCMDD member
    After rereading it sounds like OP wants advice about the divorce process. I've never been through it. I'm sure it's a challenge and not pleasant but something that you can get through.
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    You're giving me flashbacks to my first marriage. Yes, I've been where you are. No, you're not being selfish, at all, to get divorced. Yes, divorce is hard, even in situations like this. The process varies depending on where you live and how you file, as well as whether or not he is cooperative or not. I left my ex in November and we were officially divorced one year later. It cost me a little over $2,000 and we also handled custody & child support as well as our divorce.

    Please utilize your sister and family and devise a plan to get out safely. When I first left, I got a protective order against him for myself and our daughter. I'd suggest that be your first step after getting away. Then file for divorce. As hard as it may be, don't call him, don't text him, don't email him, don't Facebook him. Have zero contact with him and let all of your family & friends know there should be zero contact with him until legal proceedings are over, at least.

    I have since remarried and I am now expecting our third baby together, my seventh. You can and will find happiness without fear and abuse.

    I'll be praying for you and your situation. Please keep us updated. You *can* do this.
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    So very sorry to hear what you are/have been going through. If it were me, I would be out the door as fast as my feet would carry me. Not only does it sound like an incredibly toxic environment for you, but now you have your baby to consider as well. After the baby I think it will only get more complicated to leave. I truly wish you the very best of luck. Just know that you deserve a real partner, and I am living proof that there are good men out there! I will pray that you find peace for your situation...
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    I am sorry for what you are going through. As the ladies here said, the decision has to be yours. Given what you told us, the process won't be easy, he won't just go away quietly, it might be even dangerous for you. You have to be aware of that. But then, he seems to be a threat to you anyway, and it's only a matter of time until he hurts you (or your baby) badly. How do you think he will react when there is a crying, burping, demanding little creature around? Do you think he will change? Try to answer all those questions honestly.
    Also, reread what you wrote in your post, as though it would have been a friend of yours asking for advice, and imagine what answer you would give her. There is your answer.
    Good luck and stay safe.
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    Divorce! I'm all for working things out, but you've tried, and he is not the person you signed up for. High-tail it outta there for your safety and sanity. Make a life you love, be happy, and no doubt your baby will be better off also.
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    I've been in an abusive manipulative relationship and for years I thought I could change him. We loved each other and in moments could be wonderful, but the relationship was very toxic and he clearly had issues. I loved myself too much to stay. When I finally got the courage to walk away, I realized it was the best decision I ever made. I went on a dating fast for one year, and within that time developed a friendship with a man my age from church. We fell in love, got married, and now I'm carrying his child.

    God has a wonderful plan for you, as dark as it might seem right now. The decision is yours, but I think you can walk. You and your baby deserve it.
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    SoCalBeat said:

    I'm just looking for opinions on what I should do and whether or not its selfish of me to think about divorce. Is divorce hard to get through? Is the process long? Have you been in a relationship like this before? What were your results?

    I haven't read any of the other responses on here and may be repeating some things so I apologize if I am.

    As I read your story a couple questions came to mind ... and to me, these are the only questions that matter in a decision like this.

    1. Do you feel safe?
    2. Can you be yourself in this relationship? (or do you feel like lesser of a person, a worse person, etc)
    3. Do you feel loved and supported?

    It seems to me that the answer to all of these questions is no. And if I was in your situation, divorce is absolutely something that I would consider and most likely follow through with. The only person in this world that is 100% responsible for your health and safety is you. And you need to do what's right for you. Additionally, the only one your child can depend on right now for their health and safety is also YOU. 

    Some people may call it selfish, but honestly there are times in your life when you NEED to be selfish because no one else is going to do it for you. You have a right to stand up for yourself and to pursue a life that is best for you and your child. 

    If you're at all concerned about divorced parents, raising a child alone, etc, I come from a divorced family (my parents divorced when I was five) and I am so thankful for it. I had an amazing childhood that would have been SO MUCH WORSE had my parents stayed together. My mom was an incredible single parent and I see her as one of the most courageous people I've ever met.

    I haven't been in a similar situation relationship-wise but I watch my sister go through this every single day. She is married with four children and her husband is terrible. It's a great father but a horrible husband. He is selfish, demeaning, and verbally abusive. She chooses to stay to keep her family together but she is incredibly unhappy, constantly upset, and her children notice the conflict all the time. It is a relationship I wish she would/could walk away from as I know she would thrive once out from under his thumb. No one in our family pushes it because it's her decision to make -- her kids are safe and loved, and she is well aware that it isn't the best relationship in the world but chooses her family over herself. That's her choice. But she has said that if she knew it would be like this and she didn't have four kids with him, she absolutely would have made a different choice and never married him.

    Take all of that and do with it what you want. Good luck to you.
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    I normally wouldn't condone divorce but I honestly believe in your situation that someway, somehow you need to get away. Your life, you unborn baby's life and the lives of your children are most important and if he has abusive tendencies and drinks, you never know when it could get worse. My cousin was in a relationship that remind me of your situation and it took her many years an a lot of abuse and tears before she finally left him. They aren't divorced but she and her kids are as far from him as possible. No one should ever go through this and if he can't respect you, he doesn't deserve you. I'm so sorry for all you've been through. My heart breaks for you. I'll be praying for peace and guidance through this.
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    I do not think it would be selfish of you. From reading this, I am scared for you and your baby. If YOU feel it is right to leave him, then do that! Others opinions do not matter, you do what is best for you and your baby! So sorry that you are going through all of this.
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    SeleynaSeleyna member
    edited May 2015
    My first husband was abusive. Bruised my skull by head-butting me, punching holes in the walls right next to my face, doing his damnedest to cut me off from my friends and family. I moved across the country for him (he was in the military). He was all I had. He made me feel like I was lower than dog shit, and made no attempt to hide his contempt for me, even though there were those moments (sometimes days) where he was perfect and I thought things were changing. For me, it took him being deployed to Iraq to get up the courage to leave. I was pregnant at the time. I found out about three weeks after I got back to Ohio that I was. Sadly, yet fortuitously, I lost the baby. I can't even begin to imagine how he would've treated that child. He had threatened to take my child away from me, and never let me see them again, etc., etc. It was a toxic situation.

    I don't know where you work. I remember you mentioning something about being a waitress. I'm one too, I used to work for Darden (Olive Garden, LongHorn, etc.), they have something called Pre-Paid Legal if you sign up for it in the first 30 days. It helped me pay for my divorce. It only cost me $222 versus the $2k it would have originally.

    And as to how long it takes? It depends on whether or not they want to fight it. My then-husband didn't. I filed on March 23, 2008, and was divorced on our wedding anniversary, June 25, 2008. It was quick and fairly painless, but restraining orders were taken out, because I did fear for my well-being.

    No one can make you leave him. You are the only one who can. It's hard to not go back, but as time passes, I promise-- it does get easier. Especially now that you have not only your life to protect, but the life of someone who is completely helpless and at the world's mercy.
    Became Stepmomma to the world's best little boy, Marcus, on November 1, 2009!
    BFP On December 7, 2013! Due August 8, 2014!
    Reese made his arrival on August 13, 2014 after 42 hours of labor!

    BFP on April 2, 2015, estimated due date is December 6, 2015!
    Teryn made his arrival on December 6, 2015 after only 15 short hours of labor!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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    He's not going to change. The red flags were clear before you married the guy. It's just going to keep getting worse.

    You need to decide if that's something you can deal with. But will it change? No. You're in an abusive marriage. Those. Don't. Change.
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    Is divorce hard to get through? Is the process long?

    Yes and yes.

    If that sways you from wanting one, then I'm confused as your current situation seems much worse than a hard and long divorce process. 
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    He sounds awful. My mom grew up in an abusive and controlling home situation, and your husband sounds like her father. It is only a matter of time before he physically hurts you or your child. I would run, fast and far away!
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    You have a right to true happiness and I promise that exists, whether with or without a partner. Being with someone who pressures you, controls you and manipulates you will never give you that.

    It doesn't seem like there is any question that you need to leave this terrible man, for your sanity and your safety, as well as that of your baby. No one should live or grow up in a situation like that.

    Oh, and people don't change, so don't believe things are going to get better. Babies add more stress and bring out the worst in people (you're tired, cranky etc) and magnify the problems in a relationship. Good luck mama.
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