

Long story short, I have PCOS, and my husband has a low sperm count. I had my second IUI 10 days ago, my husband only had 5 million sperm this last time.

My question is, I know after my first IUI, had very minimal bloating , maybe like a day or two 12dpiui. Now I'm about 10dpiui and I'm having that bloading feeling, except instead on a few hours like the first IUI, I've had it for the last 2 days. Is this a sign of pregnancy? What did everyone else experience after their IUI 's?


  • It's hard to know whether symptoms are a sign of pregnancy or PMS that early. Hopefully pregnancy! My fingers are crossed for you!
  • FLY106FLY106 member
    edited May 2015
    I had all pregnancy signs on my first IUI...I was almost positive I was pregnant until I got my period 2 days before testing day. Didn't have much symptoms on my second and it also was not succesful. Symptoms could vary from time to time and from person to person. Fx for u!!

    Lilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers
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    PCOS photo: PCOS living_with_PCOS.gifBig Fat Positive
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    Me: 35  DH: 33
    TTC #1: Since July 2012
    Me: PCOS
    DH: MFI (low count, motility, morphology)
    Started with RE 10/14
    IUI #1 - 3/9/15 - Got AF 2 days before BETA
    IUI #2- 4/8/15- Got AF day of supposed BETA
    Currently Self Benched to figure out what our next step will be

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  • It's horrible! I had so many pregnancy symptoms my first IUI too, and got the dreaded BFN. This time, I had even more symptoms, and again BFN (period is due today)... So, I've realized it has to be the hcg shot they give to have me ovulate. I've never had pms symptoms before, so I couldn't compare. :/.i think they're going to try IUI one more time before trying IVF... But I have a hunch I'll end up doing IVF
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