
Need help -- losing my mind!!

I had my sweet baby girl last week at 35w4d. I planned to EBF but she was losing too much weight that she couldn't afford to lose. The pediatrician had me continuing to breastfeed her and then supplement with formula afterwards. I want to wean her from the formula eventually, but I just am not making nearly enough milk!!

Currently I breastfeed her as long long as she will allow (usually 5 min each side) then I supplement her with either formula or pumped breast milk. Then I pump. I had one day where I was getting approximately 1 oz total when pumping each time, but now that seems to be the maximum, if I can even get that. I know that stress is a factor but its hard to not be stressed when you just want to feed your child and you can't! She was discharged from the hospital at 5lbs5oz last Thursday. Yesterday she was only 5lbs6oz. HELP!

Re: Need help -- losing my mind!!

  • I'm going through the same struggles. My little girl dropped from 6-14 to 6-1 within 3 days. We are still struggling to get her weight up. It took her 3 weeks to get back to birth weight. Breastfed babies gain at their own pace.

    My supply isn't good either, and I wish I had more to feed her. Have you been trying herbal supplements and other common tricks? I am taking 3 fenugreek supplement 3x daily, drinking MilkFlow 2x a day, mothers milk tea at night, eating oatmeal in multiple foods, pumping every 2-3 hours, and pumping after nursing. It sounds a little extreme, but I am trying about ever trick in the book at the moment. I've seen a little improvement. I would recommend trying any of these if you haven't yet. There is medication to increase supply as well, if you need to go that route. But it will have to be prescribed by your OB or LC.

    Good luck!
  • Same here, she was born at 6.7 and was down to 6 five days later. I now pump so that I know exactly how much she gets and supplement.
    Taking fenugreek, eating carrots and oatmeal like crazy and drinking water nonstop. I pump for 25 minutes every 2-4 hours.
    I manage to get at least 1oz of breast milk for most feedings and supplement the rest with formula.
    She gained back the weight within a weekend, at least she is getting what I can give her.
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  • The best thing you can do is work closely with a lactation consultant and seek out support for your local La Leche League group. One oz. Is actually great for a young baby to pump after a feeding, keep up the good work and be determined to make breastfeeding work and get help asap.
  • Look for help from an IBCLC. They have the highest standards of training and certification. Also, consider using a supplemental nursing system so baby continues to stimulate your breasts while receiving expressed milk or formula.
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    Parent of Baby Boy M, born December 2013 Angels: Miscarriage @ 9 weeks, May 2015, Chemical Pregnancy November 2015

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  • @Chicago -- what is a supplemental nursing system? Pumping?
  • I currently have a one year old and struggled with my supply from the beginning. My pediatrician advised my LO was not gaining fast enough so I met with a local lactation consultant to make sure he was latching properly and to check how much he was transferring per feeding to try an avoid needing to supplement. I tried the Mother's Milk supplements but those did not work for me. What I found worked best, was nursing more frequently than I thought (every two hours) and waking up during the night. My LO would only wake up once at night to nurse which was not helping my supply so I would set an alarm, and wake up an additional time during the night to pump. From the advice I received, do not use pumping as a gauge of your supply, or how much your LO is getting. The baby is SO much more efficient than the pump at getting milk! Also, my LO was a little impatient so I have to switch breast multiple times, I go back and forth between breasts a few times at each feeding. He gets frustrated when the flow slows down so switching back and forth satisfies him. He is 13 months and I am still able to nurse!

    Hang in there and know that every bit of breastmilk your LO receives is wonderful! Congrats on your little bundle of joy!
  • ldmwldmw member
    I'm so glad I read this thread. I'm really struggling with the same thing. It's so hard to feel like I'm failing as a mother.
  • @xxbrittanyxx182 thank you sooo much!
  • A supplemental nursing system is a little bottle w a necklace and tiny tubes you tape to your nipples, you place the formula I'm out and then "breastfeed" the formula so you get nipple stimulation


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