Pregnant after 35

Pregnancy rage... am I the only one?

I have the worst case of what I like to call pregnancy rage! I'm typically a very laid back person but these days it doesn't take much at all to get my blood boiling! Poor DH, I can turn on a dime on him.
We were stuck in traffic for 45 minutes yesterday and I was ready to get out and It's pretty bad at work too, in my position I tend to get all kinds of random questions from employees ALL day long, and I'm starting to lose my patience very easily these days..Anyways just looking to commiserate, anyone else finding your hormones are sending you over the edge?

nate and teddy        <img src= width="150px">

Me 43 DH 48 Not actively ttc, surprise BFP on 1/6/11! 4/1/11 m/c our sunshine at 16wks after complications from CVS test.  *5th cycle after loss 12/6/11 BFP! Missed m/c at 9 weeks 1/21/12, trisomy 14. Two Chemical PG 3/12&7/12
** BFP 8/16/12 beta #1 148! beta#2 407 beta #3 4000 u/s 9.10 1 lovely hb 126, Baby Boy born 5/6/2013!

TTC #2, bpf 1/15/15 Baby Girl due Oct 1! She's here, 9/26/2015! 

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Re: Pregnancy rage... am I the only one?

  • I am definitely more irritable than I typically am.  I think mostly it's due to pure exhaustion.  I'm not sleeping very well and haven't been for a very long time. I honestly can't remember the last time I slept more than 2 hours in a stretch.  Sometimes it feels like all I do is cat nap.  I'm really uncomfortable as I'm nearing 36 weeks.  I can't keep up with my housework which is driving me nuts.  I tend to be a little less patient than I normally am!  
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  • I am definitely less patient than normal, and the little patience I DO have is reserved for the special needs kids I teach during the day.

    I find myself yelling and cursing a lot more during my 30-minute commute to work.  

    I am a little less patient with the fiance as well.  He keeps talking about all these trips he wants to take ... I'm talking like one a month between August and November.  I don't know how he plans on swinging any of it since I will be out of work and not collecting a paycheck.  Part of me wants to scream "Are you crazy?" but I also don't want to be the bitchy pregnant woman.

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  • ewennerewenner member
    You are not alone!  I am always annoyed by something (especially my poor DH!)  Recently, I have become better at controlling myself, but it is so hard.  I can't wait until I am myself again.
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  • My suggestion is generally to use the same things that people with bad tempers in the first place use when they don't want to have them anymore. I used to have the worst temper when I was younger, then had to learn to stop and think for a minute before I snapped out something I'd regret soon after. That's really what the whole count to ten thing is about, not actually counting (though I guess some people do), but pausing long enough to think about your response, particularly at work where an apology may not cut it if someone feels like they're in a hostile environment because they've been getting yelled at for a month or two. Usually you're angry because some kind of need isn't being met. Try to reframe it into what you need as opposed to what the other person is doing wrong. Road rage is a little different, and I think that gets the best of us sometimes, so when there's more than the average stress it's probably just going to creep up, but who cares if you swear at a complete stranger in the privacy of your car where they can't even hear you anyway? I'd say give yourself that one so long as you're not actually engaging them in an argument, since that's not really safe. Anyway, because I had to learn a long time ago how to dial it down, because really hostility is just making you miserable too, I think I may have it easier with the hormones. 
  • sidey1sidey1 member
    Oh I would never actually yell or lash out at someone I don't know or at work, I'm not THAT out of control, but I can literally feel my blood boiling, which I know isn't great for my overall health. Last night I cried hysterically for a few hours, I think baby girl hormones are affecting me WAY differently than baby boy hormones because I definitely wasn't this bad with DS!

    nate and teddy        <img src= width="150px">

    Me 43 DH 48 Not actively ttc, surprise BFP on 1/6/11! 4/1/11 m/c our sunshine at 16wks after complications from CVS test.  *5th cycle after loss 12/6/11 BFP! Missed m/c at 9 weeks 1/21/12, trisomy 14. Two Chemical PG 3/12&7/12
    ** BFP 8/16/12 beta #1 148! beta#2 407 beta #3 4000 u/s 9.10 1 lovely hb 126, Baby Boy born 5/6/2013!

    TTC #2, bpf 1/15/15 Baby Girl due Oct 1! She's here, 9/26/2015! 

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  • kimb311kimb311 member
    I have it! I'm about ready to open fire Over in my month board! Maybe I'm too old for that shit, or maybe it's hormones, or both, but they are really pushing my buttons over there. And it's dumb stuff, of course. But it's going to be a long 40 weeks for everyone if they are getting their panties in a twist already. Good grief! :O)
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