July 2015 Moms

*PgAL check-in 5/3*

If you haven't been tagged, it's because I haven't heard you are still here! Feel free to jump right back in!

Please keep in mind that as there are members who don't yet have any living children (lc) we are going to limit our mention of them to just comparing past pregnancies with the current one, as we want to keep this a safe place for everyone and random lc updates might just hit them out of the blue on a bad day.

I hope that we can all keep in contact and continue supporting each other. I will try to do Check-in Saturdays/Sundays.

Hi ladies, sorry it has been so long I was have a tough time because my due date for the baby I lost before this pregnancy just came around and other life drama combined with hormones...oh so not helping hormones!
I hope you are all doing well. Hugs to all who need them this week!

How many weeks?

How are you feeling? (Physically and Emotionally)

Any appointments, ultrasounds or milestones this week?

What else is going on? rant and raves this week?

QOTW: Are you do you have a name picked out and are you telling people?

@leelee1112 are you still out there?
@hopefullilly how are you feeling?
@mch77 I hope you can start to feel more confidence and excitement as the weeks pass.
@katrinapr how are you?
@jill2778 How are you?
@taralinnet we haven't heard from you in a while how are you?
@jennykayt89 how was your appointment with your midwife?
@smagglebit how are you doing after passing your milestone?
@snlinega how was your appointment?
@kmode13 how was your appointment?
@thismakes5 how is your stress level?
@k3taeko how did your scan go?
@mommieofthree2014 how are you?
@smccall3838 how did the glucose test go?
@DenaMaree how do you feel passing your anniversary?
@sadiedavisn welcome! How are you feeling?
@lele3333 Welcome! How are you?
@mhulick2563 How are you?

Re: *PgAL check-in 5/3*

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    Aww @CouEddy, we lost our baby a year ago on the 1st so I've been abit down too. Can't believe how fast it has came and gone.

    Midwife appointment went okay, she said I still need to drink more water grrr. Also said baby is measuring a good size.

    How many weeks? 30!! Can't believe it!

    How am I feeling? I think I'm slowly starting to get worn out. I took a week off work to try get nursery organised and decorated, but now I feel like I shouldn't of gone back to work.

    Any appointments? Was supposed to get whooping cough vaccine last week but I had sore throat so they wouldn't give me it. Next appointment is next week.

    What else is going on? Nothing much apart from nursery still, hopefully fingers crossed we should be nearly set by end of this week.

    QOTW: names... I think we have finally decided on 1 for each sex. I have been telling people but fed up of people turning there nose up at them. Also ive got 5 friends due before me and I'm worried they use same name.
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    How many weeks? 31+1

    How are you feeling? (Physically and Emotionally). I'm feeling good overall I guess. Was thinking about buying a crib mattress yesterday but didn't because I got scared.

    Any appointments, ultrasounds or milestones this week? Growth scan on Friday!!!

    What else is going on? rant and raves this week? Nothing really.

    QOTW: Are you do you have a name picked out and are you telling people? Baby's name is Nathan and we have told people. We haven't had any negativity about it. :)

    Thanks for remembering me. It's been a while since I've been here. I hope everyone else is doing good!
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    kmode13kmode13 member
    How many weeks? 
    29w5d today...time is flying!

    How are you feeling? (Physically and Emotionally)
    Definitely slowing down a bit physically, but still feeling pretty good overall.  I'll have evenings where I can't seem to get comfortable...but beyond a few aches, I feel like I've had it pretty easy.  Emotionally I've been good, I'll get a little overwhelmed every so often, but I think more from hormones/lack of sound sleep!

    Any appointments, ultrasounds or milestones this week? 
    Just got back from an ultrasound!  Everything looked really good and no concerns, which was a huge relief.  Hoping all stays that way the next 10 weeks.

    What else is going on? rant and raves this week? 
    Not too much, trying to start getting things in order at work so that projects are transferable and ready for others when I head out.

    QOTW: Are you do you have a name picked out and are you telling people?
    Name- Yes....Telling- Nope!!!  We had bounced some ideas off family earlier, so it won't be a huge surprise, but we are not giving out our final decision until he is here!
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    kmode13kmode13 member
    @jennykayt89-  I'm in a similar boat, coming up on the loss of our last child one year ago this week...  still cannot believe where I'm at and what DH & I have been through one year later.  
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    How many weeks? 30

    How are you feeling? (Physically and Emotionally) I'm uncomfortable physically. Gaining some sanity emotionally.

    Any appointments, ultrasounds or milestones this week? Nope.

    What else is going on? rant and raves this week? I have a light day scheduled at work tmrw. Hopefully we'll get to see Avengers this Friday.

    QOTW: Are you do you have a name picked out and are you telling people? Our baby girl's name is Olivia Grace. Yep, most ppl know.

    @CouEddy thank you for keeping up with this! Glucose test was fine, though it appears I'm anemic. Doubling up on iron pills. ..
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