1st Trimester

Itchy feet during first trimester?

Did anyone else have this?  It started at night, they would be so itchy I couldn't sleep.  But now it's happening during the day!  I've seen all the websites about itching during the third trimester, but has it happened to anyone else so early in the pregnancy?  [I'm at 9 weeks]

Re: Itchy feet during first trimester?

  • My wife has suddenly started to have itchy feet too and she's 10 and a half weeks!
  • I didn't realize this is why my feet have been so itchy, until I read this!! 5w2d here
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  • edited May 2015
    Have you talked you your OB about this? There's a condition called Obstetric Cholestasis. I had this with my last pregnancy, but it didn't develop until 3rd trimester. Its rare, and I believe its incredibly rare this early in pregnancy. Just something to maybe mention at your next appt. Good luck!

    Edit* apparently I'm blind and didn't see the last part of your post. My apologies. I can add though, that when I had it, the itch would not go away after scratching . I would scratch until I was raw and sometimes bleeding. Even then it didn't feel like the itch was gone, but somehow the stinging felt better than the itching. So if you're able to scratch the itch away, I'd say its probably just an itch. If not I'd mention it.
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