Thank God! I know he could flip again but that's good news. I was nervous he would still be breech today and I really did not want them scheduling a C for me. So I feel relieved. They did a 3D ultrasound too which I've never gotten to see before. How cool! It was soo cool to see him like that. He was nuzzled up pretty close to my belly so it was hard for her to get a good shot and she had to nudge him a little bit so he would move back and finally got a good profile. so cute! It's crazy how much they can see. Home stretch now thank goodness!!
The only part that depressed me was the other mom in the waiting room who was 38 weeks.. has one child already at home and looked much smaller than me at 35 weeks. I was like seriously.. why are you so cute and I'm so huge!!?? lol
Re: Baby is head down!