Any opinions on how many newborn clothes vs 0-3 months to ask for/buy? They say some kids never wear newborn stuff... Do I get a take home outfit in each or just one?
I would get a take home outfit in each. Katie's take home outfit was a 0-3 and she ended up not coming close to fitting in it and came home in a newborn sleeper with ducks on it. My baby was in newborn clothes until almost 2 months old and could still fit both her legs in one leg of a newborn sleeper until about 1.5 months.
I would do 8-10 sleepers in each size. Onesies and other clothes depend on how dressed you want your baby to be when you go out. At minimum I figure on 2-3 "outfits" per day between laundry cycles. This can mean an outfit and a sleeper, two sleepers etc. So if you do laundry every 3 days, that would be 6-9 outfits at minimum with a few extra for emergencies or weeks where you don't get to the laundry as soon as you should. Since our babies will be little when it's getting cold a number of packs of plain undershirts are also a good idea (looking at 1 for each outfit or sleeper). For K, she wore short sleeved undershirts with "fleecy" jammies and long sleeved under shirts with "regular" jammies. I also went through several bibs and several burp rags a day at first.
Honestly I had about a dozen sleepers in each of those sizes and a few special outfits for going out or holidays (Several different outfits for Christmas and Easter so we had ones for each different get-together) and that's what we wore the most. The cutesy stuff got worn maybe once and then it was time to pack it away.
I thought of a couple more things. Outerwear I would start in a 0-3 month size since it won't be super cold when baby is born and you probably won't take a newborn out that much if it's cold. We had a fleece full body outerwear thing that covered hands, feet and head and zipped like a sleeper that we wore all winter and it was all we really needed and just a hat that velcroed under her chin. Baby's not going to be rolling in the snow or anything at 3 months old. If you're major outdoor people, maybe you'll want to think about an actual snowsuit but other than that, it can be skipped.
Also, regardless of boy or girl, get a few pairs of TIGHTS. In the smallest size you can find (some places start at 0-6 months) For colder weather, it is great to put tights on as underwear basically to keep baby warm underneath whatever they have on.
It is SO hard to know what and how many until baby is here. I had some that wore newborns for a few months and some that didn't wear them at all. I'm just getting a few of each size and buying more when baby is here and we know how big he/she is. Plus we're not finding out gender so I can buy gender appropriate clothing.
Thanks for all the tips everyone! I figure if I have a few of each...there's always amazon, etc to order more of what I need and not have to leave the house if I don't want to!
I had a NB and 3 month outfit at the hospital. I gave birth to by DD 9 lbs 10.5 oz. Fast forward to the middle of the night I was so incredibly exhausted and the nurse was trying to help me breastfeed. She mentions that there is no way my huge baby will fit in NB and I'll be lucky if she fits in 6 m. I am devastated and so upset but so exhausted I am laughing my head off.
Anyways my huge baby swum in the 3 month outfit and could wear NB for two weeks. Damn nurse.
Anyways I would bring one of both. I would probably have 4 ish pjs or outfits in NB size in case you need them but wait until after the birth to buy more. You can always run into Target or something on the way home.
I did not have enough sleepers with my first. I put him in all kinds of cute outfits. I wised up with my second! Actually they both ending up spending a lot of time in just a diaper when we were cuddling. I definitely recommend the sleepers with zippers though. Those snaps are a bitch.
I bought a couple of newborn sleepers and 0-3 month at a thrift store and then went for the 3-6 month range. We are leaving all of the tags on the store bought stuff until after the baby is born because you never know what size they are going to be. I'm also not buying any clothes from the store other than a few things that were on clearance or a pack of socks because we've been getting clothes as gifts.
I just bought 3 newborn onesies. I don't really care if he never wears them since they were only $3. They were just so little I couldn't pass it up!! Plus it was right after we found out gender and saw him on the ultrasound so I was a little emotional. Haha
My son was very large and never really wore newborn clothes. He could fit them for literally less than a month. You might want to ask around your family to see what size ppls babies r. My son was 9lbs 8 oz and I was kinda of expecting that bc both my husband and I were large babies
Some 0-3 stuff has crazy sizing, there is little consistency between the brands. Don't avoid newborn, I was told to, did & had to rush out to get some that DS would fit in since all his 0-3 was too big.
The problem is you just won't know what you need so it is best to have all sizes on hand. Ask around to see if any friends have any newborn hand-me-downs so you don't have to spend money unnecessarily.
I wouldn't go crazy with outfits but definitely try to have a few newborn sleepers or gowns. Also get ZIPPERED sleepers if you get them. Snaps/buttons in the middle of the night? Ugh! Gowns are the easiest.
Also clothes seem to fit more based on length than weight. My 9-pounder wore NB for a couple of weeks.
Oh, one thing about snaps. Katie came home on a wallaby blanket for jaundice so the snap ones were the only ones she could wear for a little bit so the conduit had somewhere to come out. Usually we just put her in a kimono style undershirt (I hated those things when someone gave them to me but they came in handy) and a velcro swaddle blanket at home. But we did go to my mom's once while she was still on it and we put her in a snap outfit so she could be dressed and still hooked up.
Picture of my little glow worm attached. Obviously I hope that doesn't happen to you, but if it does, it might be a little overwhelming to go and try to find clothes that will work at the last minute. (P.S. These velcro swaddle blankets are great!! I still use some in the larger size to swaddle her when I need to suck out her nose or hold her down to brush her teeth.)
I was the opposite! My little peanut was born 6lbs 7oz and went home at 5lbs 15oz. Newborn was waaay too big on her and we had to have my mom rush to the store to get preemie clothes! She was in those for a few weeks before we hit newborn. Be prepared for anything!
My guy was little, 5lbs 13oz and came a month early. I didn't have any newborn clothes because people told me I didn't need them! 0-3 were really too big for him so we had to buy a few things. Coincidentally my friend had a baby a week later who was big and she gave me all his newborn clothing that didn't fit him. Seems like you just can't win. If you know anyone who can lend you newborn clothes k would definitely ask. I would lean towards sleepers as pp have mentioned. They are so easy and cozy. I also loved the kimono style half onesies. Thought I would hate them but ended up loving how easy they made diaper changes. Oh and I washed and put away all the new clothing and really wished I had waited. There were many things that never got worn and I couldn't return. If you can help yourself, leave tags on some things and only wash enough for a week or so.
My son wore newborn for a few months if I remember correctly. He was 6 pounds and 6 oz. I highly recommend getting some of the night gowns. So much easier for middle of the night diaper changes.
I'll have to look through my I bought a bunch of clothes from a friend...many still with tags on them. Score! So I know there is a ton of 0-3 month and a few newborn outfits. Not sure as there was so much stuff, how many fall into the pretty outfits vs sleeper categories. I will say that a couple weeks early delivery is a possibility so if as they monitor me, she seems to be on the smallish side, I may even consider a couple preemie sleepers too.
If you buy preemie sleepers, they will fit on 14 inch dolls. So if you have an inkling you may need them, buy some and you can always save them for dolly clothes whether or not your baby ends up wearing them ;-)
I agree with pp saying you don't know until baby is here! You have to be prepared for anything and everything! DD1 was in newborn for MONTHS! And like mentioned I didn't have any nb because people said you don't need them!! Lol DD2 wasn't in them as long, maybe a month. It really wasn't how much baby weighed, but their length compared to weight.
I used BabyList to create a custom checklist for us. You could try that! You answer a few questions like if you will breast-feed or not, disposables or cloth, etc. And they'll email you a checklist. Mine has stuff for newborn clothes:
5 onesies (three short sleeve, two long) 2 pants 2 sleep sacks 2 sleepers
I used BabyList to create a custom checklist for us. You could try that! You answer a few questions like if you will breast-feed or not, disposables or cloth, etc. And they'll email you a checklist. Mine has stuff for newborn clothes:
5 onesies (three short sleeve, two long) 2 pants 2 sleep sacks 2 sleepers
For me I'd rather have about 6-8 sleepers/gowns.
Ditto for me. And there were definitely times I wished I had just ONE. MORE. SLEEPER. so I didn't have to do laundry RIGHT THIS MINUTE.
It's funny because all the advice I got with my first was DON'T buy much newborn stuff. He was a tiny thing and were newborn clothes for a FULL month. Well my second on comes along and I have all the newborn stuff ready and the ONLY time he wore newborn clothes was the sleeper I squeezed him in at the hospital to get him home. lol My first actually could wear premie stuff, but I only had like 2 handme down sleepers. So with this one I'm going to have premie, newborn and 3 months stuff ready. Both my boys were each infant size N, 3M, 6M, 9M and 12M for about a month for each size. They got HUGE quick. Like I think wearing 18 months at 7 months. lol
Re: Newborn Size vs 0-3 months? how much of each?
I would do 8-10 sleepers in each size. Onesies and other clothes depend on how dressed you want your baby to be when you go out. At minimum I figure on 2-3 "outfits" per day between laundry cycles. This can mean an outfit and a sleeper, two sleepers etc. So if you do laundry every 3 days, that would be 6-9 outfits at minimum with a few extra for emergencies or weeks where you don't get to the laundry as soon as you should. Since our babies will be little when it's getting cold a number of packs of plain undershirts are also a good idea (looking at 1 for each outfit or sleeper). For K, she wore short sleeved undershirts with "fleecy" jammies and long sleeved under shirts with "regular" jammies. I also went through several bibs and several burp rags a day at first.
Honestly I had about a dozen sleepers in each of those sizes and a few special outfits for going out or holidays (Several different outfits for Christmas and Easter so we had ones for each different get-together) and that's what we wore the most. The cutesy stuff got worn maybe once and then it was time to pack it away.
Also, regardless of boy or girl, get a few pairs of TIGHTS. In the smallest size you can find (some places start at 0-6 months) For colder weather, it is great to put tights on as underwear basically to keep baby warm underneath whatever they have on.
Months I wanna say 20 onesies all depends on how much you wanna wash I say two a day
I had a NB and 3 month outfit at the hospital. I gave birth to by DD 9 lbs 10.5 oz. Fast forward to the middle of the night I was so incredibly exhausted and the nurse was trying to help me breastfeed. She mentions that there is no way my huge baby will fit in NB and I'll be lucky if she fits in 6 m. I am devastated and so upset but so exhausted I am laughing my head off.
Anyways my huge baby swum in the 3 month outfit and could wear NB for two weeks. Damn nurse.
Anyways I would bring one of both. I would probably have 4 ish pjs or outfits in NB size in case you need them but wait until after the birth to buy more. You can always run into Target or something on the way home.
I wouldn't go crazy with outfits but definitely try to have a few newborn sleepers or gowns. Also get ZIPPERED sleepers if you get them. Snaps/buttons in the middle of the night? Ugh! Gowns are the easiest.
Also clothes seem to fit more based on length than weight. My 9-pounder wore NB for a couple of weeks.
Picture of my little glow worm attached. Obviously I hope that doesn't happen to you, but if it does, it might be a little overwhelming to go and try to find clothes that will work at the last minute. (P.S. These velcro swaddle blankets are great!! I still use some in the larger size to swaddle her when I need to suck out her nose or hold her down to brush her teeth.)
Oh and I washed and put away all the new clothing and really wished I had waited. There were many things that never got worn and I couldn't return. If you can help yourself, leave tags on some things and only wash enough for a week or so.
It really wasn't how much baby weighed, but their length compared to weight.
5 onesies (three short sleeve, two long)
2 pants
2 sleep sacks
2 sleepers
For me I'd rather have about 6-8 sleepers/gowns.