Hi Ladies!
So, I've been on the boards for a while now but will be honest - have fallen off the map for a bit. I am just so overwhelmed with all of this stuff! (As I'm sure most of us are.) My DH and I have been TTC for almost two years now. We finally went to a RE in February and all my testing (HSG and blood work) came back "perfect", however his SA came back "mostly good, not great" with 32% motility, 30 million count and a 5% morphology. So we were "perfect candidates for IUI". We did our first IUI 3/31 and another the following day. Went for blood test 4/14 and BFN. My husband decided he wanted to take this month off (we just started!) but I am honoring his wishes and we are trying from home this month. Thinking ahead in case this cycle doesn't work, Clomid has always been in my plan whenever I want to use it but I am trying to decide weather or not stay natural a few more cycles or move forward with the Clomid and IUI next month. I'm sorry if this is rambling, just wondering others experiences and advice! I am honestly still so lost in all of this. Another random note, I decided to go back through my calendar and chart my cycles and they seem to be all over the place when I've always felt I am relatively regular (30,34,28,28,29,32,31,31,29,31,28,27,36,&29 days)