New Hampshire Babies

Vaccinations are critically important to newborns, infants, toddlers, and adults who care for them.

Contrary to some postings made several weeks ago on this message board, Dr. Anne Barlow Barry is a strong advocate of childhood vaccination. It is a remarkable scientific advance that eliminates the fear death or severe illness from many diseases which used to haunt parents and children in this country.  There are still many parts of the world not lucky enough to have access to vaccines to protect themselves and their children. The recommended vaccine schedule has been extensively studied by many people whose number one priority is the health of children. Dr. Barlow Barry has two lovely young daughters who are fully vaccinated per the CDC-recommended schedule, and her best advice as a physician and a mother, is that you do the same with your children.

Please do not put your children, and others they may come in contact with, at risk for serious, life-threatening diseases.

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