September 2015 Moms

Tall And Pregnant, Anyone?

TeijaMacTeijaMac member
edited April 2015 in September 2015 Moms
So I am 5'11 - and at 19 weeks.. You still cannot tell I'm pregnant unless I stuff my face and it causes some bloating! Almost literally flat still. No one believes I am 5 months! Will attach a photo. I have had my anatomy scan, and he is actually longer than average as well.. So definitely not lack of bump due to a small baby!

Anyone else here with me?! Lol. Im kind of glad, knowing I wont be the size of a house in the hot sticky summer.. Some of my friends are having trouble shaving at this stage.. Not me :/ So weird, but I guess being 4-6 inches taller than the average woman I have more room for baby to hang out vertically....? Nature is so strange!


Re: Tall And Pregnant, Anyone?

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    You and me both, girl. My phone won't let me attach pics, but I'm 5'9 and literally flat as well at 18w2d. Baby makes an appearance first thing in the morning while I'm lying flat on my back, but as soon as I stand up and move around, they disappear. I LOVE to know where they're finding all this room to hide, because I'm not THAT big!
    Married 25 May, 2013
    William Alexander born 18 September, 2015
    Harper Grace born 9 June, 2017
    Colton Miles born 9 June, 2017
    Bowen James due 19 June, 2019
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    Congrats on baby. I'm 5'8" and no one believes that I'm halfway there either haha. My guess is that baby has more room to hide in our loooong torsos! Here's my pic at 19 weeks! If baby is measuring on time, don't worry too much about the belly, it will come! image
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    Lucky lady! I'm 5'2" on a tall day. I've always been super jealous of all the women who don't need step stools to reach everything in their homes!
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    mybabynumber2mybabynumber2 member
    edited April 2015
    Wow! Your build is exactly the same as mine is! Or was should I say lol.

    Are you a FTM? if so I was the same with my first. With my second I've shown much quicker.
    It's your stomach muscles holding the baba in. I didn't show until about 5.5 months with our first & even though my muscles were obviously there before I got pregnant this time, they seem to have lost the strength they had quicker than with my first if that makes sense. I'm 37, it's been 7 years since I was last pregnant. :-)

    This was me a couple of weeks ago, I'm now just over 18 weeks :-)
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    I've just been thinking the same thing about the being tall thing hahaha :-)
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    @TeijaMac, tell me about it. I mention in passing that I'm almost five months pregnant and the double takes I get are priceless. I was at the vet the other day and the tech asked me to help her lift my 50 lb dog onto the table and I was like, I'm not really supposed to be lifting quite that much, I'm 5 months pregnant, and she literally did a dounless take and was like, look GOOD. I laughed, haha.

    Seriously, though, my friend just laughs at me when I stress about the lack of bump and just tells me that baby is busy rearranging my internal organs and will get bored with that soon enough, haha.

    But like I said...I'm not super slim, but I was a size 8-10 pre-pregnancy. I'm not THAT wide! I'd love to know where baby finding all that room to hide that I legit can't even feel them!
    Married 25 May, 2013
    William Alexander born 18 September, 2015
    Harper Grace born 9 June, 2017
    Colton Miles born 9 June, 2017
    Bowen James due 19 June, 2019
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    I am 5' 11" and 17 weeks and have a small bump. My bump appeared really quickly with this pregnancy but it isn't growing super fast. The pic was taken mid last week
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    nevey11nevey11 member
    edited April 2015
    You gals all look so cute! I'm 5'9, 18w2d and no real belly yet. I had an US at the hospital last week and the nurse walked straight past me as I was surrounded by a sea of bellies! She said "I'm so sorry, you don't even look pregnant". Yeah tell that to the 20lb I've gained!   :D
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    I'm 5'7 and my bump looks exactly like yours. I'm 21 weeks. No one believes I'm pregnant!
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    Oops here's a pic

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    Yes, I'm 5'9, 21 weeks and no bump yet. Baby #4 too!


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    I'm 5'7" and 19 and a half weeks. My best friend saw me today for the first time since we told her we were expecting and was shocked I don't look pregnant. I have a bit of a bump but not truly popping unless I lay down. Fingers crossed I pop before my school babyshower on the 20th.
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    Me ! 5 10 and 20wks . Barely showing.
    Just looking like a chunk . Anatomy can is Tuesday !
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    I was that way with my first one. After that i had a lot of bloating and with this one i bloated and then leveled out so i have a tiny bump. I'm 18 weeks and still pretty small though. Haven't gained a pound either. :( You'll pop out at about 7 months don't worry.
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    I have no bump either! I'm tall at had a titled uterus so the perfect combo to not be showing. It's borderline depressing and people saying "it will come" is no comfort when no one even believes you are pregnant.
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