December 2015 Moms

crib vs pack n play vs bassinet

We are limited on space and someone doesn't want me moving furniture around too much.  I have been looking at mini cribs as well as pack n play sets, bassinets that I have looked at are kind of pricy.  I am kind of leaning towards a pack n play until we get more space, but I am also thinking we might as well get a crib after looking at the prices.  I am just wondering what you ladies think.  With my boys they didn't even sleep in the same room, I was animate about but having the babies in our bed.

Re: crib vs pack n play vs bassinet

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    I did a bassinet then a crib for dd. had a pack n play for travel. This time I'm thinking of pack n play for when LO is in our room then transition to crib. I felt like my bassinet wasn't worth the money.
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    Honestly I'm going to have all 3. Bassinet next to the bed for a few months, crib in nursery and pack n play in living room. Granted I have the room.
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    Was wondering the same thing. Was looking at a pack n play over a traditional crib, seems like you get more for less than what a traditional crib costs, but I'm just not sure lol
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    We tried the pack n play in our room and DD hated it. So we actually used the rock n play in our room and then transitioned her to the crib in her room at 3 months. We use the pack n play now for when she sleeps at someone else's house.
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    Look into the rock n play instead of a typical bassinet. Best purchase ever and helped with a refluxy baby. Also if you're short on space a pack n play is a great option.


    We said goodbye to our sweet Taylor Ashley on August 8, 2012.We lost baby Noelle on May 1, 2015

    Mom to Cam and Al, now expecting baby number 3, August 2016. Praying for lots of sticky baby dust!
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    I'm looking at getting the pack and play bassinet set for 0-6 months of age and then the crib after the baby is 6 months
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    My bassinet is gold! Our dS didn't sleep at all until I got the bassinet at about 8 weeks. It had a vibrator on it. We transistioned to the crib in his room at 12 weeks and he loves his crib to this day at 2 1/2 years. We used pack n play for travel.
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    We had a pack n play with the bassinet and newborn napper on top and she slept in that for a long time. When she got too long for the newborn napper, we moved her to the bassinet part, and then into her crib in her room. She slept in our room until she was about 3/4 months old. She still uses the pack n play when we travel. We also got a take off on the rock n play sleeper that Bright Starts makes and started using that for travel before she outgrew it and was rolling over. We gotta get that back from SIL. I want to use that for the new baby instead of setting up the pack n play. Plus DD still needs the pack n play to sleep in when we travel. Here is the rock n play thing that we have, too:

    It's an updated version of the one that we have. The one we have has been discontinued, according to Amazon.


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    We have all three. But I have to say my rock n play was the most valuable for a long time.
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    Here's the pack n play with newborn napper on top. Ours does not have the separate changing station like this one does. I wish we'd got the rock n play thing sooner bc it was a pain to take the pack n play with us and set it up when all we needed was that top part. But now it's great bc it's her travel bed w/o all that other stuff on top of it.


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    I plan on all 3. The most important thing being the bassinet/rocker in our room for the first couple of months. Like embuzz said, granted I have the room.
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    Tlynn83 said:

    I did a bassinet then a crib for dd. had a pack n play for travel. This time I'm thinking of pack n play for when LO is in our room then transition to crib. I felt like my bassinet wasn't worth the money.

    This is exactly what I'm doing this time. The bassinet by itself really isn't worth it.

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    Same as @Tlynn83 except the bassinet was a family heirloom. Do you know anyone who could loan you a bassinet? My little guy was so big and learned to turn over in it that I put him in the crib sooner than planned.

    Will the crib fit in your room? Maybe just do crib and pack and play for travel.
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    My first would only sleep in the rock n play. From there we transitioned to the pack n play and then to his crib. Pack n play is always handy for travel and as a play pen when lo's are younger.
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    We did a pack n play until about 4 months and then switched to a crib. I loved that and will definitely do it again with this baby! The bassinets are so expensive and they don't sleep in them very long at all because they are small. I love that we have the pack n play if we do a road trip or if friends with kids come over and their little one needs to nap.
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    On a similar note for a small space, what do our experienced ladies think of the small ikea cribs? Is there a real benefit to a full sized crib?
    Married September 2013, Excited to welcome Baby Thompson December 2015
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    I vote Rock n Play.

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    We had a pack n play when LO was in our room. We didn't bother with a bassinet. He had a crib in his room, and used a rock n play for a little while. He outgrew that quickly, but we loved it and he slept really well in it.
    Married 05.19.07 | Together since 03.11.00 | Dom Born 02.06.12 
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    We did a pack and play in our room for the first three months with DS then moved him to his crib. I am going to get a rock and play for this LO. It will be nice to take easily around the house.


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    redfallonredfallon member
    edited April 2015

    On a similar note for a small space, what do our experienced ladies think of the small ikea cribs? Is there a real benefit to a full sized crib?

    I am not familiar with the small Ikea crib. We have a full size crib with adjustable levels. She started sleeping in it on the top level when she was 3/4 months old until she could sit up, and then we moved it all the way down to the lowest level. It will also turn into a toddler bed when she's ready. She's 19 months and not ready for that yet. She is almost 3' tall, and rolls all over, so she takes up all the space throughout the night.


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    My son went from sleeping with me for about the first 9 months to the pack n play until he was about 18 months then the crib.

    My daughter slept with me for the first 2 months then to the pack n play until she was a year then the crib.

    I LOVE the pack n play!! So easy to keep baby right next to me until it's time for them to move into their own room. Plus my son refused to sleep in the crib for the longest time but adored the pack n play.
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    I love my Co-sleeper that attaches to the side of my easy to deal with baby in the night. Then when baby becomes to big for that he/she moves into a crib.
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    We used a bassinet with DS. I'm thinking of going with the co-sleeper this time. Then slowly transition baby to his/her own crib. We have a pack n play as well. That'll probably stay in the living room.
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    My 14 month old is back in a pack n play after having a crib since we've moved into a small corporate apartment and it's working out really well. We might not use the crib for this LO since putting it together was a real pice of work!
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    ceteichmceteichm member
    edited April 2015
    The pack n play really wasn't my favorite, DD kept managing to turn herself 90 degrees, I'm not sure that I'll bother with it this time. Last time we put DD's crib in our room & for awhile took one side off & used it as a co sleeper, although not until she was a few months older. Using the crib 3 sided was actually against the directions but it seemed very stable to us & we personally never had a problem using it that way (IKEA crib). This time I really want to get the halo bassinet
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