May 2015 Moms

I'm suddenly starving ALL the time.

I swear from the day I turned 36 weeks I've been bombarded with new symptoms. As a FTM I do a bit of research if I feel something isn't quite right, but I want to know how you ladies are feeling.

Several days ago I noticed an increase in my hunger. Before that I was so full after a small meal that I'd often feel nauseated for a bit. Just a few days ago it seems that I'm hungry every 2 or 3 hours where as before I could remain full by eating 2 meals per day. Today I've had all 3 meals and literally 30 minutes after dinner I was hungry again.

Its 11pm and now I'm having a snack. I've read that since baby is packing on weight this last month that could cause the increase and also baby dropping can as well.

I just want to know who else is feeling like they are starving in the last stretch here.
Also, any other symptoms floating around?

Mine in increased bowel movements, pressure on my bottom, nausea, vomiting, back killing me, insomnia, and pretty terrible mood swings.

I'm in countdown mode though. Only 10 more days until I am induced! How much longer for all of you?

Re: I'm suddenly starving ALL the time.

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    I have the same feeling and pretty much all of your symptoms. I gained some weight then lost in the 1st trimester...smooth sailing until 35 weeks then it was bam! Here's my belly, im starving, and tired with extreme back pain. Moods are all over the place from anxiety, sleep deprivation, and antsy pants wanting to hold my sweet pea already! Will know more tomorrow if inducing will be part of the plan.
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    Im going through the same thing :(( and im going through mood swings as well. One minute im fine then i get mad and i start crying for no reason .
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    I'm sorry ladies. The end of pregnant a navy is the worst, but best time it seems. So excited to meet our babies, but so miserable that enjoying yourself seems impossible lol.

    I just keep reminding myself that it's almost over and she's worth every second.
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    Yep I'm hungry almost all the time too. Like every two hours. It's nuts lol

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

    TTC: Started May 2012
    Bloodwork - potential ovulation issue which seemed to be fixed by clomid.
    SA - Mot (36%) and count low 9.3 mil (updated) 
    HSG - Oct 16 2013 - came back clear
    Clomid #1 - Nov. 2013 - BFN
    BFP#1 =  Clomid #2, Dec. 2013 - EDD 9.9.14 Loss Jan 9
    Femara #1 + Trigger (2/21) Feb. 2014 +ruptured ovarian cyst - BFN
    SIS clear
    April 2014: 50IU Follistim CD3-CD9 + 25IU CD10-CD13+CD13 trigger 1 mature follie= BFN
    IUI #1: May 2014 50IU Follistim + trigger + IUI = BFN
    IUI #2: June 2014 50IU Follistim + IUI (3 mil sperm)=  BFN
    TI #2: June 2014 50IU Follistim  + Trigger = BFN
    BFP#2 = IUI# 3: Aug 2014 75IU Follistim+ Trigger + IUI (2 mil sperm) EDD May 15

    BabyFruit Ticker

     Love bugs unite!
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

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    Oh yeah, i can relate :)
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    I thought I was the only one!!! I am starving all the time. I thought something was wrong with me lol. Every two hours I need to eat
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    I'm like a walking food vacuum. It's kind of gross really, although I think I've gotten to the point where I don't even care anymore.
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    I can't sleep at night for my stomach growling, so I have to get up for a little snack.  It's all about all the food these days.  :)
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    Omgosh yay! Glad I found this thread. I'm going through the exact same thing @MrsPhillips012007 and @Monsterboo . I'm wondering if the lack of sleep Is causing me to be more moody? But seriously the back pain is so weird. My baby is posterior and I'll have extreme pain where I can't stand up straight and then it's gone. I feel like baby is pushing on a nerve or something. Now if I don't eat every few hours I got nauseous and my body gets so mad at me.
    Married 6-1-13
    Sebastian 3-11-14
    Simon 5-2-15
    Baby #3 Due 9-29-16
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    A food vacuum...hahaha, yes!
    Last night I didn't sleep worth a crap. I laid down around 10, got up at 1130 to take a hot bath for my restless legs and then a snack was needed. I woke up at 4am starving, but wasn't about to make anything that early. it is...730 and I'm about to make eggs and toast.

    If I had 3 or 4 weeks left of pregnancy with a hunger like this I'm sure I'd gain 20 more pounds lol.
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    I ate a decent breakfast yesterday and then felt like I was having a sugar crash around 11. I needed food! I'm so hungry again and I thought it was strange since there's not much room left in there at 38-3! I've also been getting a horrible pain in my left low back near my hip bone. It hurts so much that I cannot walk sometimes. I attribute that to my hips widening since the arrival of my LO is soon close!
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    This has been my entire last trimester. I'm constantly snacking all day between meals, eat a whole meal before bed and still wake up in the middle of the night starving.
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    It's frustrating. Especially with having gestational diabetes. I feel like I shouldn't be eating so much, but I wouldn't eat if I wasn't hungry. I know LO gets what she needs, but I need the energy apparently lol.
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    I'm also a food vacuum!!!!! nomnomnom all the time
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    Baby dropped for me and my appetite sky rocketed. I literally just ate three bean and cheese burritos and I'm satisfied. Not full. I could eat more lol
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    I'm starving all the time too and I feel like I will never be skinny again I swear every day I am bigger than the day before!
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    I'm always hungry and eat a lot because of it and then felt guilty at my last appointment when I'd gained 6 pounds in 2 weeks. Uuugh!! So tired of seeing my weight go up. That's my biggest complaint at the moment. Stupid scale and stupid hunger!
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    I'm 35 weeks 2 days and definitely have noticed the increase in hunger. Hunger pains have been waking me at like 4 am. Also not getting any sleep. It's so restless... And I'm hot and then cold like all night. Also super cranky and emotional, probably the worst of it since even becoming pregnant. Nesting like crazy; I feel like I need to get everything done yesterday.
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    I am completely opposite, I can't eat a thing! I feel like this little girl has grown so much over the past two days and there is no room in my stomach for food. I hate when people say 'you look like you're going to pop' but I feel like I could literally pop. I'm hoping she drops a little more and I'm able to enjoy the last few weeks of pregnancy as a 9 month pregnant woman should - indulging in ice cream sundaes!
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    I am totally in the same boat- the hunger kinda came out of nowhere and it's insatiable! I have a scheduled c-section this weekend and I have this fear that I'll eat a big meal and go into labor early before my surgery with them needing to operate on me with a ridiculously full belly- strange I know but that would be my luck lol.
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    Since my last post on this thread my appetite has increased even more and I need to eat all the damn time!! 37 weeks 1 day maybe it's just how far along I've got?
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