Thanks for all the shout outs guys. I had an ultrasound this morning and they confirmed no ectopic and I passed everything on my own this time. I'm extremely grateful not to need another D&C. I don't know how I'm going to move past this emotionally and learn to let go of my desire for a sibling, I can only hope it will get easier with time. I very much appreciate all of your well wishes. I'm going to bury my face in a giant bowl of ice cream tonight and have another good cry.
Me:41, DH:41 Positive for MTHFR mutations- one copy C677T, one copy A1298C. One daughter born on Thanksgiving in 2013. Six losses.
Re: Update
Elizabeth 5yrs old Jane 3yrs old
ME: 40, DH: 44, stopped BCPS 1/2013, TTC #1 2/2013, AMH 0.4, started acupuncture: 7/2013,
BFP: 10/07/2013; MC 10/15/2013 @ 7 wks (natural), focused on health issues for 7 months.
TTC again: 6/2014, 2nd round Letrozole, BFP 7/7/2014!!! --- EDD 3/18/2015!!! DS born 3/13/2015