moms of twins, is it typical to have one twin be way more active than the other? I have an anterior placenta as well so wondering if it is centered more over the one twin- but I can feel the left side baby a LOT and the right side baby I only feel a few times a day. Just curious! They both looked healthy and growing at a similar pace at our last appt.
Re: Movement between twins?
Two failed rounds IUI in 2010
IVF #1 in 2011 - BFP 8/5/11 - Our IVF miracle was born 4/8/12
FET 9/23/13; BFP -Twins-10/3/13; EDD 6/10/14; MC 11/1/13; D&C 11/4/13
FET 3/28/14; BFN - 4/7/14
IVF #2 - Transfer 2 embryos 11/14/14; BFP 11/24/14 - Beta 265;
11/26/14 - Beta 612; 11/28/14 - Beta 1263; 12/1/14 - Beta 3571;
12/3/14 - first u/s - two gestational sacs; 12/17/14 - two healthy heartbeats (132 and 134)
Our IVF miracles were born 7/16/15
Trying since Jan 2011. Unexplained IF.
2 IUIs = BFN.
1 IVF (Dec 2013) = BFN.
FET, 2 frosties (June 13, 2014)
14dp5dt-June 27 -BFP, beta 2061. 2nd beta >5000, 3rd beta >5000, 2 sacs 06/30.
Twin Girls - 02/11/15 - at 37 weeks (no NICU, home with me at 3 days).