
was your m/s this bad at 13 wks?

My morning sickness has been getting progressively worse every week since week 10. I'm now in my 14th week and to the point where I can barely get anything down or keep it down. I tried Zofran, and it did absolutely nothing. I called my Dr this morning so see if he has any other ideas ... but I'm starting to get a little worried. Shouldn't I be feeling better instead of worse? Anyone still have m/s this bad at 13 weeks and then had it clear up soon thereafter? Frankly, I'm just getting so tired of hanging over the toilet ...

Re: was your m/s this bad at 13 wks?

  • I also got worse between 10-15 weeks and then it finally started getting better. I'm sorry you are feeling so sick. Hopefully it starts to get better soon! :(
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  • You don't want to know. I started throwing up at 7w, and didn't stop until 22w. Didn't feel 'normal' until 24w. I was the worse from 12-17w. I'd like to send a biiiiiig FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCQU to hyper emesis. I had to have Zofran in my PICC.

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  • Um, yea. Unfortunately. I started with m/s (which is a nice name for 24/7 sickness) at about 8 weeks and am still suffering at 23 weeks. It is AWFUL. Zofran keeps me from vomiting as much (I vomit like clockwork any day that I think I might be feeling 'better' and don't take it) but the nausea is still there and going strong. I'm sure that isn't what you want to hear, but you're not alone. It is the single worst part of being pregnant and I definitely feel screwed out of a 'normal' pregnancy. I am just now starting to shop for nursery furniture, clothes, etc. because I have been too sick to do any of it up until this point. It's bad.
  • Mine was terrible up until 17 weeks. The zofran didn't make me feel better, it just made me not puke. I still felt horrible 24/7. It finally started improving at 17 weeks, was pretty much gone by 19 weeks.
    My poor sis was pg with one baby, but sick for the entire time. She threw up at least once every day, usually several times.
    You just can't know what it is going to do. Hope you feel some relief soon!
  • Mine was just really bad from wk 7 until wk 16.  I lost 10lbs so I know what hugging the toilet is like.  I'd reason w/ my unborn children as I puked, "listen, these apple jacks are for you.  I don't even like Apple jacks and although they're not nutritious, it's the only thing I can imagine eating right now and YOU NEED THEM."

    The Zofran didn't work for me but I did take Unisom every night and for some reason that would get me through the morning a bit better.  

    Sorry you're going through this.  I remember not really wanting to complain b/c we worked so hard for the pg but jeez, it really sucks.

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