Baby Names

Boy Name Help!

jesslosekejessloseke member
edited April 2015 in Baby Names
My DH and I decided we would wait to meet our baby before deciding on a name. Now I am due in 7 days and having so much name anxiety and second guessing our names. The middle name will be Keith after my husband's grandfather. DH's top choice is Theodore. I love this name but just don't think this is our baby's name and having a hard time connecting with it. We also both like Jameson but DH does not like the nn James or Jamie so we are thinking Mason as a nn option? My favorite is Lincoln. I would love any thoughts as I am getting really anxious as a FTM. Thank you!

Boy Name Help! 113 votes

Theodore Keith nn Theo
57% 65 votes
Jameson Keith nn Mason
20% 23 votes
Lincoln Keith
22% 25 votes

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