I just got heartburn from a chicken Cesar salad with very little dressing. Really?!? And I'm out of ice cream so I have to rely on tums for my heartburn relief. Double suck. (
I went from cranky to sad as far as moods go today. My friends miscarriage yesterday still has me tore up. It brought up a lot of old feelings about my two previous miscarriages too, so I've been crying on and off all day. Hoping tomorrow will be brighter. I plan on doing a lot of cleaning and organizing. I think I have the nesting bug.
Sorry about your friend and what you're going through =( Hang in there!
I hope the cleaning/organizing helps and hopefully you could find some ice cream. That might help too.
I had a kindergarten student a long time ago that broke her arm on the playground. The girl wouldn't stop screaming and crying so we asked, "What can we do to make it better?" She said, " Can I have some ice cream!?!? Ice cream makes everything better!!!!"
@Mommaswizz@mellymar@karaelaine1991 it's nice to have some fellow Penguin fans on here!! DH and I are huge fans of Pittsburgh sports since we're from the area and I'm looking forward to (possibly) taking DS to his first Pirates game this summer. My daily symptom is tons of digestion discomfort. I didn't eat anything weird or unusual the past couple days and my stomach is making noises and feels horrible! Can't wait for that to go away I don't want to be tied to the bathroom for the rest of the night!
DH and I are so excited to take LO to her first Pirates game! We're hoping for next summer, hopefully she'll be ready then hope you feel better soon!
@ngaines27 oh no! I've been absent this weekend and didn't see til now that you had to go in. I am so sorry! Bleh! Nothing worse than those damn migraines.
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