June 2015 Moms

breast pump - Freemies

I am looking for a breast pump. I will be going back to work after my maternity leave. Does any recommend the Freemies breast pump?

Re: breast pump - Freemies

  • I haven't heard anything about that, but try calling your insurance company - they may offer a discount on a pump, or a pump for free. Mine covered the basic Medela double electric model, but I decided to upgrade to the On the Go one. I only paid $80 for it, which was a couple hundred dollars less than it would have been otherwise. 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I haven't heard anything about that, but try calling your insurance company - they may offer a discount on a pump, or a pump for free. Mine covered the basic Medela double electric model, but I decided to upgrade to the On the Go one. I only paid $80 for it, which was a couple hundred dollars less than it would have been otherwise. 

    Me too, $75 after insurance for the Medela with tote bag!
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  • I had a Medela Pump In Style and it worked great in the beginning. I'm not sure if it's my supply or the pump itself but after a while I noticed that it didn't seem as effective when it was brand new. I did use it A LOT and for over a year. I'm going to get it checked out so I hope I could still use it.

    Just in case though I started looking into other pumps like the Spectra but now that you brought up the Freemie, I'm intrigued! A hands free pump sounds pretty darn cool. I'm gonna start looking at online reviews. So I guess I'm in the same boat you're in. Sorry if I'm not much help.
  • I got the Medela pump in style completely free with my insurance. I could have paid 50 to upgrade to the tote with cooler bag but I have a good size diaper bag and a small cooler. I also got a bread milk storage kit for like 30 bucks with 6 bottle and like 20-30bags and an organizer for the fridge. What was really helpful is the place I picked it up from does a weekly breastfeed feeding group where you can bring your baby and work on proper technique for 10 bucks With A Lactation expert.
  • https://www.mommyxpress.com is a great website where you could possibly get a nice pump for free or little charge based on your insurance. My insurance covered the basic medela pump in style pump.

    Good luck on your search!
  • I have a Spectra S2 and it's been a champ so far. I'm 8 weeks PP and exclusively pump so I spend a good amount of time attached to it. I like the different settings and how fast it works but I don't like that I can only order spare parts from the company website. Also, it doesn't have a car charger or battery pack. I've been searching to find one that will work with the right voltage. If you are okay with always having it plugged into the wall, I think it's great!
  • I have bought more things for pis including a car and battery charger extra parts bottles nipple and all were reasonably priced. I would probably go with the same model in the future because everything is on amazon and I have prime.
  • The freemie looks awesome but I'd get a regular pump and then that as an add on
  • Has anyone tried the Freemies and can post a review?
  • My insurance covered mine completely ... I use an ameda and I love it
  • No personal experience, but a gal in a mom's group I went to raved about it
    Me-37, DH-38
    Married in 2006, TTC #1 since Jan 2012

    Baby Boy born June 1, 2015

    He settles her in her home as a happy mother of children, praise the Lord! (Psalms 113:9)
    And the peace of God, which surpasses all understand, will guard your heart and mind in Jesus Christ (Philippians 4:7)

  • Sammy K said:

    Has anyone tried the Freemies and can post a review?

    I just ordered one. It should be here either tomorrow or Wednesday. I will write a review after I use it ;)
  • I have a friend who used it and loved it, but eventually her supply started to decrease. When i called insurance to ask they said that you need to have a good supply established to use this pump. My insurance offers two free pumps a year and I already have the Medela Pisa, and I'll order the Freemies when insurance allows it. Maybe there is something about the design that doesn't get as good of a suction as others, but I would just read reviews!
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