August 2015 Moms

gender help!


Re: gender help!

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    edited April 2015
    OP apologized, I don't think most of the responses were directed to her. Her reaction was how people SHOULD react when someone corrects them on this: Sorry, I didn't know, I'm used to this terminology. Is that so hard? Instead of arguing that it shouldn't matter or Google says this, why not just acknowledge that to some people it does make a difference? It's not all that difficult to be cognizant of viewpoints other than your own. I'm not saying people are going to be PC 100% of the time, but come on.
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    sjgray11 said:

    I must say after reading several posts now, the women are these boards go way over board on their opinions. A simple question keeps being turned into a war of optimists and technicalities. Seriously people, why can't you all get along and just stop being so dramatic about everything. When I found this site I was really hoping to get to know other women who where expecting and enjoy some good conversation, as I am a stay at home mom and don't get to talk to anyone much other then my DD and DH. Afte only a few days of following this site I am completely discussed and will not return. I hope any first time moms don't listen to any of your shit.

    Bye Felicia.
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    sjgray11 said:

    I must say after reading several posts now, the women are these boards go way over board on their opinions. A simple question keeps being turned into a war of optimists and technicalities. Seriously people, why can't you all get along and just stop being so dramatic about everything. When I found this site I was really hoping to get to know other women who where expecting and enjoy some good conversation, as I am a stay at home mom and don't get to talk to anyone much other then my DD and DH. Afte only a few days of following this site I am completely discussed and will not return. I hope any first time moms don't listen to any of your shit.

    aww, so sad you are "discussed"  GBCB
    Aug 15 April Siggy challenge: Baby Shower fails:


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    bpwife&mamabpwife&mama member
    edited April 2015

    sjgray11 said:

    I must say after reading several posts now, the women are these boards go way over board on their opinions. A simple question keeps being turned into a war of optimists and technicalities. Seriously people, why can't you all get along and just stop being so dramatic about everything. When I found this site I was really hoping to get to know other women who where expecting and enjoy some good conversation, as I am a stay at home mom and don't get to talk to anyone much other then my DD and DH. Afte only a few days of following this site I am completely discussed and will not return. I hope any first time moms don't listen to any of your shit.

    aww, so sad you are "discussed"  GBCB
    I don't have any part of the discussion about this but I am SO SICK of these posts. No one cares that you are disgusted. I bet you sat at your computer and thought "I'm really sticking it to them" as you posted this but the reality is that you're not and we don't care.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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    sjgray11 said:

    I must say after reading several posts now, the women are these boards go way over board on their opinions. A simple question keeps being turned into a war of optimists and technicalities. Seriously people, why can't you all get along and just stop being so dramatic about everything. When I found this site I was really hoping to get to know other women who where expecting and enjoy some good conversation, as I am a stay at home mom and don't get to talk to anyone much other then my DD and DH. Afte only a few days of following this site I am completely discussed and will not return. I hope any first time moms don't listen to any of your shit.

    aww, so sad you are "discussed"  GBCB
    I don't have any part of the discussion about this but I am SO SICK of these posts. No one cares that you are disgusted. I bet you sat at your computer and thought "I'm really sticking it to them" as you posted this but the reality is that you're not and we don't care.
    Haha! I'm sure she feels really empowered because she "told us off". You know, cause' we've never heard your usual GBCB posts.

        DS born 8-16-2013
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    I guess it's an agree to disagree situation :)  I get why you would say the teen pregnancy comparison is extreme - it wasn't meant to much as a comparison as an extension.  I just think that when we make it taboo to discuss anything to do with the reproductive system or anything even remotely sexual, that leads to a systemic discomfort talking about sexual issues, which leads people to avoid them, which leads them to advocate abstinence only education as a legitimate thing.  I totally get that it is a stretch in logic.  I personally don't have any issue with discussing a child's genitals in a non-sexual way, especially when it's done appropriately without personal identifying information, photos, etc., as it was here).  I'm sure a lot of new moms don't realize that baby boys get erections (I didn't!), and so it's helpful to at least know it's a thing before it happens.  But, like I said, agree to disagree.
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    In response to the OP rather than the song that never ends: There is honestly no way to say :( . With both my girls all the nub guessing (and fyi for nub theorists you'd need a profile shot not an overhead unfortunately) indicated boy...neither of my daughters have a penis so I don't put too much stock in that ;) . I've only ever heard of crazy early anatomy-type scans (read: 14-15 weeks) taking place in America and where you're in the UK under the NHS (which is more similar to our healthcare system in Canada) its unlikely you'll be able to get in anywhere any sooner without paying out money needlessly. I wish you an abundance of patience as you wait out the next three weeks- think cooperative thoughts ;)




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    Oh my goodness the poor girl just wanted to see if anyone had an opinion on her scan photo as to whether her baby had a penis nub or a vagina nub. Yeah, I know you can't tell.. But I really feel for her, thinking she started this quite sensitive discussion about gender vs. sex which has nothing to do with her original post/question. She's only 18.. and I will happily say from my experience in Australia we don't get this caught up about those terms being misused. Even those of us who are LGBTG. But the Irish and Aussies are both notoriously 'laid back' cultures.
    OP don't stress about the discussion that has erupted. You did not say anything malicious and I for one do not feel as though you meant to hurt anyone by using the words sex and/or gender in your question. It's just a sensitive topic.
    Hopefully you find out which private parts your baby has soon. All the best.
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