May 2015 Moms

post cervical check bleeding

Hi ladies
I have heard of this happening before but never had it myself until today - had a check this morning (effaced but not dilated) and have been bleeding (lightly) since. i am pretty sure that this is normal, yes? wanted to check here before I called the Dr since I was literally just there..  I am almost 38 weeks :)

Re: post cervical check bleeding

  • This is normal. I remember it happening after my doctor would check me during my first pregnancy.  Should go away soon! 
    Baby girl born on May 15, 2015!  (DS born 2011)
  • ok just wanted to make sure it doesn't mean baby is coming sooner than later :) still cramping and spotting but imagine it will improve within 24 hours or so (otherwise I will call my Dr)
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  • a316ba316b member
    Never happened in previous pregnancies with me- but happened to me as well this time around on Monday and again today.

    36w5d today, 2cm, 60% effaced. Hoping to stick it out past Saturday!

    Good luck to you!

    Pregnancy Ticker

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  • Happened to me yesterday after getting checked (2.5 and 70%). First time in two pregnancies, so I was a little freaked out when my underwear looked similar to when my period starts! But it tapered off and now it's back to my regularly scheduled discharge.
  • I just was checked this morning by my dr. And she said not to worry if I was spotting afterwards. However if yours seems to be more than a bit of spotting I would call just to be safe. After all that's why they are there :)
  • It's normal. After my dr checked me last Thursday he said "you may see a little blood but that's because of what I just did so don't worry". But I never saw any blood. I was 2 cm dilated and 60 % effaced.
  • thanks everyone - it seems better this morning - not as bad at all... will call dr if i think i need to but it sounds like this is common!  stay put little guy :)
  • Yeah, I wish it meant something but no dice. I'm pretty sure I lost my mucus plug after my last cervical check.
  • hannahwilderrhannahwilderr member
    edited April 2015
    This happened to me. Just a little blood and a pantyliner was fine. But the next day, there was a huge clot looking thing in my underwear...brownish like the blood. Is that the mucus plug? Or was that from the cervix check? Did anyone else get large clot looking things after bleeding from a cervix check? FTM here
  • This happened to me. Just a little blood and a pantyliner was fine. But the next day, there was a huge clot looking thing in my underwear...brownish like the blood. Is that the mucus plug? Or was that from the cervix check? Did anyone else get large clot looking things after bleeding from a cervix check? FTM here

    I did  (I am the OP) -which is partly why I posted this! Today is the same or maybe less but I don't thinking anything is happening yet (I am due in exactly two weeks so its early but not "too" early, if in fact anything were to happen.  I didn't have that at all with my first so that's why i was surprised this time around!
  • Yup that's what I got!
  • My doctor told me to expect it and it happened, lasted until the next day actually, don't worry about it unless you get heavy period like bleeding :)
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