Pregnant after 35

Weekly checkin: 4/12/15

1. How far along are you? What is your EDD? What size is baby?

2. Age at delivery?

3. Any other children or fur babies?

4. How are you feeling?  Any recommendations for dealing with MS, aches, pains, etc?

5. Upcoming appointments or milestones? Rants or raves?

QOTW: What's on your agenda this month?  Are you nesting?  Cleaning?  Preparing to share your news?  Getting ready to bring baby into the world?  Tell us!
Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Re: Weekly checkin: 4/12/15

  • 1. How far along are you? What is your EDD? What size is baby?
    10w 1d - prune

    2. Age at delivery?

    3. Any other children or fur babies?
    2 cats

    4. How are you feeling? Any recommendations for dealing with MS, aches, pains, etc?
    Better this week! Not feeling nauseous all day, but still very tired (taking a daily 1hr nap after work helps). Boobs still super sore.

    5. Upcoming appointments or milestones? Rants or raves?
    4/20 - NT scan and cell-free DNA test

    QOTW: What's on your agenda this month? Are you nesting? Cleaning? Preparing to share your news? Getting ready to bring baby into the world? Tell us!
    Getting prepared to go public with the news! Planning to tell the first week of May.
  • How far along are you? What is your EDD? What size is baby?
    29 weeks.  June 24. 
    2. Age at delivery?
    3. Any other children or fur babies?
    7 other children....some pets too
    4. How are you feeling?  Any recommendations for dealing with MS, aches, pains, etc?
    Pretty well. 
    5. Upcoming appointments or milestones? Rants or raves?
    Appt on Friday. Already.  Every 2 weeks comes fast!

    Rant: Husband said today we should all go on a little trip before the baby.  Well, April weekends are full.  May there is only one weekend open, like the May 9 one.  June...well there are some weekends open but I don't really want to go away in June...not on a 5 hour or so drive to most likely a big city (because that's where dh always picks to go, a city) and then in June weather can be pretty hot...Walking around a hot humid city all day for days while near your due date..not ideal.  Even still, going in May is not attractive to me.  I have to pack for so many people...get the dog kennel reservations....etc.  I would rather just go camping instead!!

    Raves:  We will be finishing school very soon.  THe kids have state standards testing this week which means we won't get too much else done but then they have a few lessons in a few subjects and a few semester finals and yearly finals and that's it.  We will finish before the end of April and our days will be light until then!  Woot Woot!!  Summer break is near!!!

    Looks like I am getting a new vehicle this week.  Mine is less than 2 years old but needed a couple little things fixed under warranty.  THing is my husband can not set foot into a car dealer without getting something new.  Just Looking is not an option for him!  So he took mine in and found out they have this year's model completely loaded with every option out there coming from the factory most likely sometime this week.  Well its ours now.  Just waiting for delivery. 

    What's on your agenda this month?  Are you nesting?  Cleaning?
     Preparing to share your news?  Getting ready to bring baby into the
    world?  Tell us!
    I might redo one of the boys' bedrooms.  Its needing it.  I just have to decide exactly what I will do with it.  I also would like to  repaint my dining room.  I might wait on that a bit though.  My laundry room is also  bugging me.  WOuld like to repaint it.

    I have started stocking the freezer with things for once the baby gets here.  Very proud of myself because with every other baby I just never ended up doing it.  So far I have spaghetti sauce, a couple meals of Chicken, broccoli and rice casserole, a Southwest chicken lasagna, and a baked ziti frozen.  Oh, also a batch of frosted fudge brownies.  This week I will get in a meatloaf, some bean burritos, and beef stroganoff.  I have been just doubling up on things i make for dinner and freezing one portion.  Works well.  If I do 2 or 3 meals a week until the baby comes, we will be super stocked!! 

    I have to make one costume for the upcoming ballet recital.  The others I will just have the studio seamstress do.  The one I am doing is a pretty simple one.  The more complicated ones I found the seamstress is just too cheap to pass up on!  I just have them do it, my time is worth way more!!  Thinking about getting in front of the sewing machine has me itching to make some baby outfits, however.  THis week I might try to get some projects in line and order supplies.  I would probably feel guilty if I didn't make a home coming outfit, since I have for most of the others. 
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  • 1. 35 weeks, due May 17, size of a coconut

    2. 38

    3. A toddler and a dog

    4. Feeling large and uncomfortable. Baby is active and healthy, so I'm happy.

    5. Next appointment in a couple weeks and then its weekly I believe. Next time I think it'll be the fun GBS test. Actually it's not that bad. ;)

    QOTW: I'm in the home stretch so just getting last minute stuff done. Washed all the newborn clothes, got out the suitcase to pack, got some snacks for the hospital. Still need to get out the Arms Reach Cosleeper and wash the sheets for that. Oh, and I've been hitting the Hypnobirthing materials again and listening to the tracks in bed at night. I can't wait to meet this little guy and complete our family!
    Me: 38, DH: 35
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
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  • EDC June 3rd. Squash? I think.  


    2 kids. 2 yr old DD. 6 yr old DS.  one dog. :) Black lab. 

    Feeling super large and in charge. lol  Super uncomfortable.  Battling a little bit of nausea lately and crazy low abdominal soreness/pain and sciatica.. yay! 

    Next appt. is Wednesday I think.. just for my injections and heart beat.. 33 weeks at that point.  

    I'm nesting big time but I just can't do it very quickly. lol I have to sit down and take breaks a lot because of my back and my low abdominal pain. It just gets worse if I overdo it. We did get the rooms switched around so we can start updating the nursery soon.. those were huge things on our to do list so I feel good about that.  I still need to get all of baby's clothes washed and gear out and put together.  My shower is May 3rd.. excited about that too. :) Just a small once since this is our 3rd.  My son told his teacher today that the baby would be here in 2 weeks though so apparently we better hurry. lol 
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

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  • 1. How far along are you? What is your EDD? What size is baby?
    30+4 weeks, due June 18. Supposedly baby is the size of a cucumber, but that doesn't help me envision anything. Baby is the size and shape of a ruler? :-/

    2. Age at delivery?

    3. Any other children or fur babies?
    2 kitties

    4. How are you feeling?  Any recommendations for dealing with MS, aches, pains, etc?
    Tired a lot and having some feet swelling when I work. Other than that OK tho

    5. Upcoming appointments or milestones? Rants or raves?
    Got put onto the every other week appointment schedule at my last visit. Next appt is this Friday, I should be getting my tdap vaccine at that time
    Rant - hubs is just totally slacking on moving his crap out of the room that will be baby's. I'd really like to get started in there but can't.

    QOTW: What's on your agenda this month?  Are you nesting?  Cleaning?  Preparing to share your news?  Getting ready to bring baby into the world?  Tell us!
    I've been gradually cleaning and organizing various rooms in the house. The two rooms I would *most* like to tackle, I can't, because like I mentioned above, hubs is being a lazybones about it. 1) being the nursery itself and 2) the room where all the stuff is currently sitting in its boxes because I can't move it into the room its supposed to belong in! ~X(
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • 1. How far along are you? What is your EDD? What size is baby?
    27 weeks, ,July 11, rutabaga
    2. Age at delivery?
    3. Any other children or fur babies?
    Three cats
    4. How are you feeling?  Any recommendations for dealing with MS, aches, pains, etc?
    Good days and tough days.  Bending over is becoming increasingly unenjoyable.  And my siatica is hurting every so often.  

    5. Upcoming appointments or milestones? Rants or raves?
    Appointment on Friday.  

    Rant:  Not really, but more of a comment.  Fiance is traveling for work a lot in the coming month.  I know it's good that he gets it out of the way ahead of our due date, but sometimes I just wish he was here.  It's probably good that he isn't since I am hogging all the pillows and whining about my aches and pains, lol.

    QOTW: What's on your agenda this month?  Are you nesting?  Cleaning?  Preparing to share your news?  Getting ready to bring baby into the world?  Tell us!
    Cleaning for sure.  I feel like that's all I do.  And we don't even have any kids!  Am also trying to get some things done for our wedding before baby comes.  We're not getting married until May of 2016, but I wanted to make sure we picked a hall and booked the church (which we did).  I also did our Save the Date postcards since we have a lot of out-of-towners being invited.  This weekend I am working on my "Will you be my bridesmaid" packages.  It may seem a little crazy since I am an older bride, but I have never been married, engaged or even proposed to, so I'm going to make it count. :)
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • 1. How far along are you? What is your EDD? What size is baby?
    35w3d, May 15 (or 16), baby is over 5 lbs, and the size of a honeydew melon.

    2. Age at delivery?  36

    3. Any other children or fur babies? This is the first!

    4. How are you feeling?  Any recommendations for dealing with MS, aches, pains, etc? Feeling more tired but still ok! Frequently eating Tums for dessert.

    5. Upcoming appointments or milestones? Rants or raves? Weekly appointments start in two weeks. 

    QOTW: What's on your agenda this month?  Are you nesting?  Cleaning?  Preparing to share your news?  Getting ready to bring baby into the world?  Tell us!
    We still have so much to do to get ready!  Hospital bag, pump, a few more baby items, stroller, diapers...  My parents arrive this weekend for a short visit. I would much rather have the weekend to ourselves, not least of all because I have to do lots of work (for work).
  • 1. How far along are you? What is your EDD? What size is baby?
    24 weeks today...a canteloupe!
    2. Age at delivery?
    3. Any other children or fur babies?

    4. How are you feeling?  Any recommendations for dealing with MS, aches, pains, etc?
    Feeling great other than this stupid @#$%^ carpal tunnel that's ruining any decent sleep I could be getting :(

    5. Upcoming appointments or milestones? Rants or raves?
    Just had one on Monday....everything was perfect...heartbeat 140 :)

    QOTW: What's on your agenda this month?  Are you nesting?  Cleaning?  Preparing to share your news?  Getting ready to bring baby into the world?  Tell us!
    Just redecorated my guest bathroom, on the hunt for some nursery bedding that I don't hate, lol. Also super excited to get outside and spruce up the yard after a loooooooooooooooong crappy winter here in Canada!!
    Pregnancy Ticker
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • 1. How far along are you? What is your EDD? What size is baby?

    3w 5d
    December 25th
    Poppyseed :)

    2. Age at delivery?


    3. Any other children or fur babies?

    DS 5
    DD 2

    4. How are you feeling? Any recommendations for dealing with MS, aches, pains, etc?

    Absolutely nothing yet, bracing for the horrible morning sickness I had with the other LOs.

    5. Upcoming appointments or milestones? Rants or raves?

    Blood test confirmation today & schedule 1st appt with the fertility clinic I had just started working with.

    QOTW: What's on your agenda this month? Are you nesting? Cleaning? Preparing to share your news? Getting ready to bring baby into the world? Tell us!

    Letting the news really set in!
    Trying keep my mouth shut for at least a few weeks!

  • 1. How far along are you? What is your EDD? What size is baby?
    16 weeks, Oct 1, Avacado!
    2. Age at delivery?
    3. Any other children or fur babies?
    DS and 3 cats who not going to be happy about yet another addition to our family

    4. How are you feeling?  Any recommendations for dealing with MS, aches, pains, etc?
    Feeling better than first Tri, but bellys really popped already!! Having tailbone pain, this happened with DS too and was my worse pregnancy complaint. Apparently I must have broken it at some point in my life (best guess is when I tried snowboarding many years ago and was in pain for days!) and it now points inward, and really hurts to sit for more than a few minutes, but's its only an issue when I've been pregnant. OB said if I had delivered naturally, it would likely have broken, one upside to a csection I guess.  Lifesavers are always in my bag and they've literally been a lifesaver! Even know I get occasional queasiness and it really helps, or if I'm starting to get low blood sugar it's a good temporary patch until i get food!

    5. Upcoming appointments or milestones? Rants or raves?
    17 week appt next week, anxiously looking forward to 20 week scan! Found out this week, after a very long 3 week wait, that DH does not carry the recessive gene for Smith Opli syndrome that I do. Thank goodness!!! Happy to put that worry aside..

    What's on your agenda this month?  Are you nesting?  Cleaning?
     Preparing to share your news?  Getting ready to bring baby into the
    world?  Tell us!
    Happy Spring is HERE finally! DS birthday is in early May so besides being really busy at work, I'll be busy coordinating plans for that. Also trying to decide if we need to upgrade in terms of space, we need to decide soon!

    nate and teddy        <img src= width="150px">

    Me 43 DH 48 Not actively ttc, surprise BFP on 1/6/11! 4/1/11 m/c our sunshine at 16wks after complications from CVS test.  *5th cycle after loss 12/6/11 BFP! Missed m/c at 9 weeks 1/21/12, trisomy 14. Two Chemical PG 3/12&7/12
    ** BFP 8/16/12 beta #1 148! beta#2 407 beta #3 4000 u/s 9.10 1 lovely hb 126, Baby Boy born 5/6/2013!

    TTC #2, bpf 1/15/15 Baby Girl due Oct 1! She's here, 9/26/2015! 

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  • mindaamindaa member
    edited April 2015
    Wedding planning - so fun! Of course you should make it count! What venue did you pick? (since I might actually know of it :) ).  I've been extra clingy about having DH around, too. Normally I like how much I'm able to get done when he's gone. :) He currently has a trip planned that ends two weeks before EDD and it's really starting to stress him out! It's kinda sweet, but I also feel bad that he's so worried.
    1. How far along are you? What is your EDD? What size is baby?

    33 weeks, EED June1
    2. Age at delivery?
    almost 38
    3. Any other children or fur babies?
    4. How are you feeling?  Any recommendations for dealing with MS, aches, pains, etc?
    Feeling really good. Though not really digging the perma-cankles and the mustache ("mask of pregnancy", can't think of the medical term)

    5. Upcoming appointments or milestones? Rants or raves?
    Appts every two weeks, all looked good on Monday.
    I'm just struggling with being so huge and low energy. It's just such a dramatic change from the old me... but I guess I need to accept that that me is just gone forever, replaced first by pregnant-me, then mommy-me.

    QOTW: What's on your agenda this month?  Are you nesting?  Cleaning?  Preparing to share your news?  Getting ready to bring baby into the world?  Tell us!
    Just tons of little last-minute details. Bring on the nesting! I could use a nice burst of energy
    Me-37, DH-38
    Married in 2006, TTC #1 since Jan 2012

    Baby Boy born June 1, 2015

    He settles her in her home as a happy mother of children, praise the Lord! (Psalms 113:9)
    And the peace of God, which surpasses all understand, will guard your heart and mind in Jesus Christ (Philippians 4:7)

  • mindaa said:

    Wedding planning - so fun! Of course you should make it count! What venue did you pick? (since I might actually know of it :) ).  I've been extra clingy about having DH around, too. Normally I like how much I'm able to get done when he's gone. :) He currently has a trip planned that ends two weeks before EDD and it's really starting to stress him out! It's kinda sweet, but I also feel bad that he's so worried.

    We're having our reception at the ASU Kerr Center in Scottsdale.  It's a lot cheaper than other places in the area, and we can bring in our our caterer and liquor, which was a huge selling point.  

    That's sweet that your husband is concerned.  Hopefully, it will be a non-issue.  Normally, I am not a clingy person by nature, but this week ... well, look out, lol!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • 1. How far along are you? What is your EDD? What size is baby?
    33+4.  EDD 5/31/15.
    2. Age at delivery?
    3. Any other children or fur babies?
    One cat, who thankfully accepted her re-located litter box without any troubles (we had to move it out of what will be the baby room).  Phew!
    4. How are you feeling?  Any recommendations for dealing with MS, aches, pains, etc?
    Large.  Annoyed.  I really just do not like being pregnant.
    5. Upcoming appointments or milestones? Rants or raves?
    Next OB app't is on Monday.  Seeing my PT again this weekend to keep working on my crappy hips.  I'm getting less pain now, but still frequent episodes of numbness in my legs.  Fun times!
    QOTW: What's on your agenda this month?  Are you nesting?  Cleaning?  Preparing to share your news?  Getting ready to bring baby into the world?  Tell us!
    Yikes!  I probably should be nesting or something.  Right now the baby room is just one big pile of boxes.  We haven't unpacked any of the gifts we've received, and we really can't, until the dresser arrives.  Unfortunately, the dresser is being held up at the freight company because they are refusing to bring it up to my second-floor apartment, while I am refusing to carry a 174 pound piece of furniture up a flight of stairs while 34 weeks pregnant...  Right.  
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