Baby Names

Boy Name Help

Me and DH are struggling with coming up with a boy's name. DH has a special tradition in his family where every firstborn son's first name is George and they have a middle name and everyone goes by a middle name. So his dad is George Allen, DH is George Ryan. We have to keep up with tradition (been going on for 8 generations now) so thats where we struggle. I really liked George Daniel but SH vetoed that name. 

Any other ideas? I like shorter names as I feel like George Alexander or George Anthony (DH's faves) are too long. The last name is similar to Fawcett (like Farah Fawcett). Another thing is that it needs to be a fairly international name so the eastern European side of the family will be able convert it to their language (so names like Aiden are no go unfortunately). 


Re: Boy Name Help

  • George Aaron
    George Adam
    George Adrian
    George Albert
    George Alistair
    George Aubrey
    George Bernard
    George Benedict
    George Brent
    George Caspar
    George Caleb
    George Calvin
    George Claude
    George Cyril
    George Darius
    George Dominic
    George Edward
    George Ethan
    George Evan
    George Felix
    George Harper
    George Horace
    George Heath
    George Ira
    George Ivan
    George Julian
    George James
    George Kelly
    George Kenneth
    George Laurence
    George Leopold
    George Lucian
    George Lyle
    George Leon
    George Marcus
    George Maxwell
    George Miles
    George Nicholas
    George Noah
    George Oscar
    George Patrick
    George Quentin
    George Reid
    George Randall
    George Russell
    George Samuel
    George Sebastian
    George Silas
    George Sherman
    George Terrance
    George Thaddeus
    George Theodore
    George Tristan
    George Vincent
    George Victor

    Anyway. I think the longer names are fine, since many of them have diminiutives and nicknames, and your son hopefully won't have to write his full name all the time. 

  • George Marcus
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  • My first thought was George Samuel.

  • 4N6s4N6s member
    George Michael. Julian. Phillip. Julian. Vincent. Henry. Stephen. Kyle. Tyler. William.
  • I like George Thomas
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  • g8trkim said:

    My first thought was George Samuel.

    This was my first thought too!

    Other suggestions:
    George Asher
    George Bryant
    George Calvin
    George Dylan
    George Ian
    George Nathan
    George Steven

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  • Where we live, I see a lot of families with similar traditions. They often put the mother's maiden name as the middle name. For what its worth, I don't think George Alexander or George Anthony are too long. To me, the longer names with George sound classic.
    Here are some that might work:

    George Anderson
    George Jackson (nn Jack)
    George Wilson or William (nn Will)
    George Scott
    George Everett
    George Warren
    George Calvin

  • What about a last name?  Is your maiden name worthy of a middle?
    Married 8/12
    MC 4/15
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  • I don't think Anthony is too long. I would go with that. Strong and Classic. A nice fit to match George.
  • I would skip George Anthony. That is the name of Casey Anthony's father and people may make the connection (of course I live in Central FL, where it all went down, so maybe it's just me). I like Alexander better anyway, or Samuel or Benjamin.
  • LizWhiz87 said:

    I would skip George Anthony. That is the name of Casey Anthony's father and people may make the connection (of course I live in Central FL, where it all went down, so maybe it's just me). I like Alexander better anyway, or Samuel or Benjamin.

    That's what I was going to say, too!

    I also like PP's suggestions of George Ethan, Reid, and Everett. Would your maiden name be a good fit?
  • LNic5LNic5 member
    George Spencer
    George Elliott
    George Gabriel
    George Thomas
    George Cameron
    George Collin
    George Patrick
    George Dominic
    George Nicholas
    George Tristan
    George Abram
    George Anthony
    George Marcus
    George Evan
    George Benjamin
    George Bennett
    George Oliver
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