April 2014 Moms

TGIF! Weekend plans?

What are your plans?

Tonight we will just try to relax a bit, as mush as we can with 2 LO's.

Saturday is cleaning day then we are meeting friends down at a local pub that is closing and having one last hurrah with a band we like.

Sunday, DH will be at bowling tournaments all day. It is supposed to be around 60 and fairly nice outside so I will probably take the kids for a walk to my parents house that is just a few blocks away and visit for a bit. Hopefully I will have both kids a sleep by 9:00, I can't wait for the season premier of Game of Thrones!

Re: TGIF! Weekend plans?

  • I'm having a lazy day today that might end with a little bit of cleaning. Tomorrow I'll work in the morning then spend my evening cleaning for big 1st bday party. Sunday I work the morning again, then we have 1 year pics, and more cleaning! Exciting weekend in store for us.
  • Working as per usual tomorrow, and then Sunday Funday! Just relaxing and doing laundry.

    March siggy challenge: Dream job = Playing with wolves


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  • Birthday Party!!! 22 people at my house, including my parents staying the weekend. Super excited. Busting out of the office soon, I'll take care of grocery shopping on the way home and let the fun begin!
    *Married 10.10.08*
    TTC #1 9.09 - BFP#1:2.18.10= missed m/c, D&C 4.16
    BFP#2:10.22.10=Avelin born 7.2.11
    TTC#2: 2.13 - BFP#3: 7.25.13=Kelsey born 3.31.14
  • Nothing on the books, thankfully. DH and LO need to have some quality time so I can catch up on work!
  • Birthday party here too! Right now I'm at the hair dresser, then it's home to prep party food and decorate. And get up early tomorrow to clean. I forgot to order buns from our local bakery, so I'm hoping to be there when they open to deplete their stash.

    Sunday I'm hoping to just relax and eat leftover cake!
  • Nothing much. Dinner at a friends house, garage sale shopping, starting to get organized. Dh is back after a week so it's nice to hang as a family.
  • Ran a 5k tonight with dh and both kids. I'm not a runner and feel so slow compared to most people there! Took me over 31 minutes.
    Tomorrow I'm working all day. Sunday after church we are going into DC to take some pictures with the cherry blossoms. Should be busy, but hopefully fun.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Hopefully put the finishing touches on the chicken coop and get these chicks moved out of the dog crate in my sunroom.
  • Cleaning tonight, swim class tomorrow morning followed by a quick zoo trip then getting everything for her party on Sunday!
  • Lo's birthday party is on Sunday and tomorrow I am coaching my volleyball team in a tournament.



    Proud Mommy of Derek Michael

    April 8, 2014 9lb 6oz 21 inches

  • Ran a 5k tonight with dh and both kids. I'm not a runner and feel so slow compared to most people there! Took me over 31 minutes.
    Tomorrow I'm working all day. Sunday after church we are going into DC to take some pictures with the cherry blossoms. Should be busy, but hopefully fun.

    Good for you for running it! I run semi-regularly and it takes me more than 31 minutes to do a 5k. Great job!
  • So my hairdresser is across the street from my house and he offered me a glass of wine because I was his last client for the evening and we ended up splitting the bottle. Highlights and a wine buzz? Yes please!
  • Plans are to go to the farmer's market tomorrow, and host a Mommy's Boutique (baby and momma clothing/garage sale at my house) on Sunday for all my momma buddies.  Then 1st birthday pictures on Monday, and then his actual party next weekend.
  • My parents are in town. I am having a tooth extracted tomorrow - fun! Hopefully a date with DH tomorrow night (first time out to see a movie in over a year). Sunday we are having family photos done. Monday is LO's birthday and we'll do a very small thing - just the four of us and my parents. I have some dollar store decorations and we'll make a meal that he'll like. We'll probably make some cupcakes for it on Sunday.
  • SO is working on our bathroom floor repairing a bad spot. Plus side I'm getting new tile in there!
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