June 2015 Moms

Never have I ever (venting)

never have I ever dealt with so much incompetence from a physician before!

I know some of you may have read that I went to the hospital for pelvic pain/contractions, well the doctor that was on call from my practice, was a complete idiot. I never see this doctor because I've always disliked him when I worked for the practice, he doesn't work out of my normal office, but at a different location.

I'll give you a shortened version of what happened-

They did a FFN to determine my preterm labor risk. The test result was negative, so the first thing he says to me, " I shouldn't have done that test, you had it last week." Red flag number one that you didn't look at my chart before you ordered any tests, I guess that's what happens when you don't come into the room to evaluate your patient.

2nd flag- "I'm going to give you procardia to take at home for your contractions, it'll lower your blood pressure just so you know." I have pregnancy induced hypertension and I'm taking BP medication for it, when I inform him of this, he says " you take blood pressure medication, I didn't know that, what do you take?" Umm what the fuck?? You're prescribing me something and you don't even know I had PIH and I'm already on a medication for it. Then he proceeds to tell me that he doesn't know when I should take the procardia, but that if I take it I need to make sure my blood pressure isn't low, well, if my blood pressure is low and I'm having contractions, WTF am I supposed to do.

3rd flag- I ask about work, should I be sitting more, do I have an restrictions. His response is that it's up to me, but that if I want to go out, I should call the office tomorrow to get a note.

This man clearly doesn't care about patient safety. Thank God I'm a health care professional so I know the questions to ask!
Needless to say, I'll be calling the office in the morning!

Sorry for the long and separate post!

Re: Never have I ever (venting)

  • Anyone else had an experience with a doctor/midwife that you didn't feel safe with?
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  • ElRuby said:

    While I don't have a personal experience with this, your post highlights why I can't stand all the annoying and pretty snarky "I trust my doctor" posts as if questioning a doctor makes you somehow inferior... Doctors can be wrong and they are human... The MD doesn't automatically make them superior! Good for you for asking questions and being aware of your health needs... Just scary to think how many women would have just followed his lead!

    Exactly! My husband is pissed, I was almost dumbfounded, and he was having to ask some of the questions. What would have happened if I would've taken both medications and then passed out while driving? It would've been a disaster!
  • So sorry you had to deal with this but glad to hear you know what you're talking about and were able to advocate for yourself. I know nothing of medicine and would probably have gone along with whatever he said. Scary thought.
  • Wow he needs to go back to school or get another profession. Good thing you are smart and knew better.
  • I worked with a vet like this once. They constantly did not read the damned chart or nurses notes about current medications, client concerns, etc. So many times I just wanted to shake them, shouting "Look at the god damn chart! Its written right the eff there! Listen to wtf we are saying to you! I hate you!" Her clients thought she was god's gift, and it disgusted me.
    I do trust my doctor, but always with a grain of salt. Working with great animal doctors, average animal doctors, and just plain terrible doctors has given me a bit of insight into paying attention to my spidey-sense when things don't seem quite right and looking for red flags, some of which can be quite easy to miss.
    I'm glad you were able to spot out all the questionable calls. Hopefully the rest of his patients are as observant or he does a better job with him
    Lastly, did you say this guy works in / in association with your office? If so, I would mention it to the director, or something.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Anyone else had an experience with a doctor/midwife that you didn't feel safe with?

    I had my 28 week MW appointment a few weeks back, didn't really like the woman but she hadn't done anything specific for me to nt like her. She told me all my bloods are fine no worries.

    Go back yesterday for my follow up appointment (going on 33. Weeks) and saw a different MW. Apologises to me because the other one just forgot to tell me I have GD, low iron ( and forgot to order a full blood count and rhesus check..

    She then gets in a total spin, says the they are really concerned because my low iron has been untreated, my gestational diabetes has been untreated and now I have Togo back for 3 appointments next week to see doctors ( don't know if that was standard or because of the mistakes of the other woman), have to
    Get more scans done but not sure when or why and then they said something about the babies stomach potentially being swollen (no idea what problems this can cause if any). And apparently the baby is 'query breech' with 30% chance of flipping. Not sure who made her the statistics god but hey apparently she is.

    I was already sad because my cat jut got run over the night before, tired as if just finished nightshift so I just sat there dumbfounded and didn't press for any answers and now I just feel totally lost and abandoned and stupid for not forcing them to slow down and explain everything.

    Sorry for my cry/rant/whinge.
  • One of the doctors that works for the same practice as my doctor (therefore shares rounding and call shifts) is ridiculous - even my doc has admitted this. Sine I was admitted to antepartum on 3/23, she has tried to deliver me 3 times. Needless to say I am still pregnant 2w4d later at 32w2d now. She was always stopped by my high risk doctors since baby has looked like a rockstar on NSTs and BPPs with the exception of my low fluid. Now I don't trust a damn thing she says and dread the days she's on for my practice (today, ugh). I'm a 4th year medical student starting a general surgery residency in late June, so don't try to pull your BS on me. I know when someone is out of line compared to what the specialist, who has had 3 extra years of training has said. Ok end rant.
  • I just recently changed offices due to being unsatisfied with my care.

    First, my old office referred out all radiology so I was sent to a radiology center for my anatomy scan at 19 weeks. I had the test done and the results were forwarded to the office. I had my follow up appointment 2 weeks later. The doctor comes in and tells me my nuchal thickness measurement was high at a 6.3 so they are referring me out to a specialist. He didn't even bring my chart in the room.

    So I call out sick from work the next day because I'm a hot mess. Wait a week for my specialist appointment which puts me at 22 weeks which means we are running out of time to make a choice if something was wrong. Get to the specialist and they don't have a script or my chart. So now I wait while they try to get it. Eventually they do get it and call me back. They tell me they don't know why I'm there because my measurement was a 3.6 not a 6.3. Great. I'm thrilled baby girl is healthy but I've now burned 2 sick days and worried for a week.

    The I need to go to the dentist for an emergency visit because I broke a tooth. I make an appointment and contact the ob office for a clearance. They say ok. Get to the dentist office. No clearance received. Called again. Still nothing. Office calls 3 times. Not clearance received. Had to sign a waiver and take the dentists offices recommendations because they never bothered to send it over.

    A few other little things and I finally had enough so I change doctors.

    I go there and sign a release for my records. My first appointment with the new office is 8 days away. They tell me "we have 10 days to provide your records." Go to my first appointment. No records. Go to my next appointment 2 weeks later. Still not records. Even the new office said they were rude and unprofessional. 3 weeks later they finally get my records. Talk about a nightmare.
  • Ooh also can we have a thread that's never have I ever but the dirty fun version we could play (you know.... As if we would if we were in college drinking?! ) ha......
  • klkonwi said:

    Yup. And all of these are reasons why your nurse should be your best friend..... We keep the doctors from killing you lol

    For real. That's actually one of the things I use as my spidey-sense... How are the nurses? Do they appear competent and knowledgeable? Or cringing and afraid? Do they all answer a question generally the same way? Are they in a good mood usually or cranky usually (cranky because they have been constantly dealing with a Dr who is irresponsible or stupid)? Works with both vets and people doctors

    @mishmardhiono - I'm very sorry to hear about your cat, and the subsequent bs at your drs office. Its hard to lose a pet a suddenly and I know I spent a long time after losing my Fun in a total fog. Don't feel bad you were further blindsided by all of this medical stuff they threw at you the next day. I hope you were / are able to call back and get a nurse to go over it again, answer some questions, and create a plan to go forward with. Hugs to you. ❤

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • mellymar said:

    klkonwi said:

    Yup. And all of these are reasons why your nurse should be your best friend..... We keep the doctors from killing you lol

    For real. That's actually one of the things I use as my spidey-sense... How are the nurses? Do they appear competent and knowledgeable? Or cringing and afraid? Do they all answer a question generally the same way? Are they in a good mood usually or cranky usually (cranky because they have been constantly dealing with a Dr who is irresponsible or stupid)? Works with both vets and people doctors

    @mishmardhiono - I'm very sorry to hear about your cat, and the subsequent bs at your drs office. Its hard to lose a pet a suddenly and I know I spent a long time after losing my Fun in a total fog. Don't feel bad you were further blindsided by all of this medical stuff they threw at you the next day. I hope you were / are able to call back and get a nurse to go over it again, answer some questions, and create a plan to go forward with. Hugs to you. ❤

    Thanks, that's so kind.. No because it's going through the hospital you can't really just chat to someone but I'm seeing my doctor on Monday hopefully he had some tips and for now I'm jut kind of googling it and winging it I think I'm doing okay with the diet but we shall see. Just gives me time to digest it all and ask the right questions.

    I think it's easy to become complacent and forget your dealing with people but geeez doctors and midwives make sure people look reassured before you let them walk out the door.
  • Yes. Yes. Yes.

    I feel like my OB is not nearly as good as the amazingly thorough other on who I just met in her practice. Wish I could switch but it's awkward to do so at 8 months with a c section scheduled for medical necessity.

  • I love the MW's at office I go to, I've only had 1 appt with an OB which was last year during my miscarriage. She walked in & said "so you're pregnant". I just looked at DH & laid into her about reading charts before she comes into a room, especially with a patient that is in pain & losing a baby they tried over a year to have. She had no clue what we were going through & tried to question me as to why I would think I was having a miscarriage. So again I told her if she read it says I was in the ER. There are 4 MW's & 4 OB's in office so that's why I stayed, I don't have to have an appt with her again.
    The only other time was at an urgent care. The doctor was going to prescribe a med that "could cause skeletal deformities". I told him no & left.
  • @mypower610 that's how I feel! I won't see that physician unless he happens to be on call when I deliver, in that case, I'll cross my legs and try to hold our little boy in as long as possible!
  • I will agree, there are many doctors that aren't very smart, how they got through medical school I have no idea. My dad is a cardiologist and my mom is an ICU nurse (we both work in the same unit together), so I've seen my fair share of stupidity and heard many stories of doctors who are just plain ignorant. While there are phenomenal doctors, thank God for our nurses because they really do pave the road for the doctors. :)
  • thedothedo member
    When I went into labor with my first daughter, the retiring doctor was on call for deliveries. I think he did read the chart because he just assumed she was head-down as she had been two weeks before... When he checked my dilation at 7cm and didn't see hair, he said, "you might be right" to the nurse and I looked at them in shock... 12 hours, no drugs, working my way through the contractions and I needed a C-section because she was breech.

    Needless to say, I will insist on an ultrasound when I arrive at the hospital this time. (Trying for VBAC)
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