I realize this isn't the official name board, but I'm curious what kind of namers (is that even a word?) we have amongst our October mommies. Pick the statement that best applies to you based off of what you have named previous kids, what you plan to name this baby, or what your favorite names are.
And if you have names picked out already, feel free to share!
It's a boy! Born 42 weeks, 2 days.

Just for fun: what's your baby naming style? 259 votes
My favorite names are classic, but not frequently used
My favorite names are classic and frequently used
I am picking something super trendy
I will name my child after a fruit or a color because I'm a celebrity
I am going to make up a name that no one has ever heard before
I'm using family names only
Going for something unique and unusual, but still a legitimate name
I won't be naming my baby. I'll let them pick their own name when they learn to talk.
None of these apply to me. I'm a special snowflake!
I can't narrow it down, I'm all over the place!
Re: Just for fun: what's your baby naming style?
So far we have 3 names:
1. Poppy (my pick)
2. Pepper (hubby's pick)
3. Callaway and nickname Callie (my grandmother's maiden name).
I'd love suggestions (not meaning to hijack this post!)
My grandmother is a Callaway too. From Georgia. And we were talking about Callie too
And I have a niece Ginny (Virginia), so Ginger won't work, but I do like Piper!
Isaiah (B)
Suraiya (G)
Amani (B)
For this baby we have Leylah picked out for a girl, and Cairo (KY-RO, capital of Egypt) for a boy.
Then we have Carole or Adelheid for a girl.( Adelheid is just an older way to spell Adaline.)
DD is Alisha.
New baby will be an Audrey or Alexander.
Rachel and Jeff Married 5.29.05
Jason is 8
Elizabeth is 6
Katherine is 18 months
What about Juniper? Or Clover?
We've picked Piper Zoe Marigold for a girl and Griffin Wentworth Isaac for a boy.
We're doing fairly normal names. And middle names are family. Keenan Allen for a boy. Allen is my husbands middle name and goes back 3 generations. Kyla Davis for a girl. Davis is my great grandmothers maiden name.
@aah1013 If you want to turn your husband off from "Pepper" casually start watching the movie Annie. The mean orphan is named Pepper. Way less attractive than the Iron Man Pepper. That's the first thing that came to mind when I heard it.
This baby will be Lennon Audrey if it's a girl, not sure about a boys name my husband like classic strong names for a boy and I do too but I don't like 90s boys name because I know someone named that having been a 90s child!
My favorite boy name is Toby and always has been but my husband refuses
So far, we have only decided on a girl name, Emma Abigail. If we end up with a boy, we are SCREWED because we cannot seem to agree!
Girl: Dylan, Landry (a form of a family name), Adelia are a few possibilities
Boy: Emerson, Rhys *although I would prefer Reese, Reid (which my husband just shot down because apparently that's a name on duck dynasty and "stupid people" are going to name their kids that, Jackson
We are at war with names. I'm birthing and breastfeeding it so...
Boy: Terrence Jacob
Girl: Avery Renee
Emerson Renee
Emery Renee
For boys he wants Kent after his dad but I don't know about having two Kents at every family function. We have also talked about Gabriel.
I'm not that into gender neutral usually, in fact, most of the names I've really liked have been pretty feminine. I think if we do go with that her middle name will have to be a flower or something ultra fem. Good suggestion. We will keep tossing it around and see what sticks over the next 5+ months
I'd we have. Boy, he will be Nicholas Joseph.
If we have another girl, she will be Violet Danielle. (Both middle names come from dh name)
Soooo, is violet counting as a flower or color? I might have voted wrong.... ;;)
Good thing we have a while to decide completely.