April 2014 Moms

Angry Screeching

So, LO just today started angry-screeching.  It. Is. Awful.  Please someone tell me that babies start talking soon after they start angrily screeching because this is really not my favorite mode of communication.

Re: Angry Screeching

  • I have no experience with this but it sounds awful! Hopefully it passes soon!
  • We've been listening to this for about a month. What makes matters worse is that my oldest has sensory processing disorder and interprets the screeching as a threat to her and freaks out. This makes DD2 screech even more. It will pass soon and return around 18 mos, according my past experience.
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  • DD is doing a happy screeching now, to be honest, I'm not sure if it is better!

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  • We've been listening to this for about a month. What makes matters worse is that my oldest has sensory processing disorder and interprets the screeching as a threat to her and freaks out. This makes DD2 screech even more. It will pass soon and return around 18 mos, according my past experience.

    Oh, gosh. That sounds rough. Definitely hoping the phase is a short one. I am so ready for him to have some language. Communication attempts are awesome. They will be more awesome when they are quieter and less shrill. And I don't have to be a total mind reader.
  • It was quick for us.  LO's screeching seemed to time out with ear infections.  He would scream instead of make normal sounds because he couldn't hear himself.  
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