Hi everyone,
I apologize if I'm asking this question in the wrong place, but I'm not sure if there is a board specifically for those going through IVF. I have posted many times before, for many different issues, but the short version is:
I am 31, DH 30. We conceived our son (who is now almost 3.5) after two months of trying with no issues. Trying to #2 has been much more difficult. We tried for well over a year with no success, and opted for IVF. Our first cycle of IVF was in November (2014) and I found out in December that I was pregnant. At our 8 week ultrasound, the heartbeat was very low and I ended up miscarrying during the first week of January. We are now in a frozen embryo transfer cycle. I am taking estrace 2 times a day, and am on calendar day 6 with a possible transfer scheduled for day 20.
My question is about sex, have you ladies going through a frozen cycle been advised to not have sex during during the entire cycle up until a pregnancy test/beyond? The nurses at my RE office are telling me that I shouldn't, but I'm curious what other people have heard.

Re: IVF - Question about Frozen Embryo Transfer Cycle - LC and Loss Mentioned
Dx: Me: Recurrent Pregnancy Loss; DH: Low Morphology (2%)
BFP#1: MC 3/1/11 at 6w1d - EDD 10/21/11
BFP#3: MC 2/8/14 at 4w5d - EDD 10/13/14
BFP#6: CP 11/6/14 at 4w2d - EDD 7/14/15
IVF #1 with ICSI & PGS: May/June 2015, ER 6/3/15, 17R/17M/15F
IVF #2 with ICSI & PGS: July 2015, ER 7/16/15, 16R/11M/9F
PGS results = 6 normal embryos (4 boys, 2 girls)
FET 9/23/15 = BFFN
TTC #3 since June 2013
BFP #1 7/21/2013--EDD 3/30/14--D&C 9/24/13
BFP #2 1/28/14--MC 2/7/14
IUI #1 5mg Femara + trigger = BFN
IUI #2 5mg Femara + trigger = BFN
IUI #3 5mg Femara + trigger = BFN
Me: 41, DH: 45
DD, 6/15/2013
TTC #2 beginning January 2014
AMH 1.05; FSH range 7-11
July 2014: IUI #1. Follistim + Pregnyl. 2 follicles--BFN
September 2014: IUI #2. Follistim + Pregnyl + Ganirelix + Crinone. 4(?) follicles--BFN
October 2014: IUI #3. More Follistim + More Ganirelix + Pregnyl + Crinone. 4 follicles--BFP! Beta #1=10 Beta #2=33 Beta #3=97 Beta #4=158. M/C 11/1/14
December 2014: IVF #1. Microdose Lupron protocol. 9R, 9M, 9F. 3 5-day blasts transferred 12/15. BFFN.
August 2015: IVF #3. 14R, 13M, 11F. Froze 5 blasts for CCS testing. 3 normals. FET planned for 10/2015.
My Ovulation Chart
It was a fresh transfer, so I don't know if it will b different when I do a FET