Happy Tuesday Ladies! I hope everyone is doing well!
I have some worry about delivery and was wondering if maybe some moms know what i am going through.
I have SVT (Supraventricular tachycardia). My OB says I will more than likely have to have a C-section. This is my first child so I really wanted to be able to do a vaginal delivery. I have read on line that vaginal delivery with SVT puts me at risk of dying. I don't want anything to happy to my baby or myself! But I cannot help but feel like I'm being robbed of an experience. I see my cardiologist next month to talk about what will be save for me and baby. I just feel let down.
Re: SVT and Delivery
I will keep you in my prayers, as I remember vividly how SVT affected me in my younger days. Also, let me encourage you to consider the ablation (if you are a candidate for it). Surgery was super easy and the benefits have changed my life. All the best to you!
All the best to you, too!!!
I'm posting a reply not to be a know-it-all or attention seeking but rather to share my experience with being pregnant while managing some heart issues!
I have ventricular tachycardia (diagnosed when I was about 12). Doctors have tried the ablation on two different occasions but neither attempt was successful, so I continue to experience episodes. Also, since becoming pregnant I have had many episodes of atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter, with some episodes lasting over 7 hours and with a high heart rate.
I have seen a high-risk pregnancy specialist, as well as two different cardiologists for the two sets of issues. I had assumed that a vaginal birth would be out of the question for me. However, I've been told by everyone so far that a vaginal birth is totally possible and my heart conditions will not be a deciding factor. Doctors have said that if my heart symptoms worsen in the weeks prior to my due date, they may re-evaluate but for now they're proceeding as though I will not be having a section. They may hook me up to a heart monitor during active labour.
Obviously I don't know your medical history, and I'm certainly not a doctor (nor do I have any real medical knowledge!) but I wanted to share my experience with you as it seems that we're being told the opposite things from our medical practitioners.
Best wishes to you!