November 2015 Moms

Subchronic Hematoma/Blood Clot support group


Re: Subchronic Hematoma/Blood Clot support group

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    As you can see the clot is on the right and she only told me that the bleeding is on the left where my fingers are at
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    Did she tell you how much more blood you would have? I've had 3 small clots come out and quite a bit of blood.. It's really hard to know the difference between the SCH bleeding out and a miscarriage, I'm not having any pain or cramps so hoping it just my body getting rid of the clot and it stops soon
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    I haven't had it with this pregnancy, but I had it with my son. As soon as I saw the brown, I freaked out because I had just had a miscarriage a couple months before. My pregnancy went on to be flawless! He's now 14 months old and exploring around the house.
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    I just called healthlink because the bleeding is so much worse and they told me to go back to ER so off I go. Praying my baby is okay
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    Hi I was 7weeks when I found my sch I am now 11 weeks 5 days and my hemorraghe was a rather large one it has now resolved after a month of pefcu rest
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    Also I had a lot of very bad bleeding more than my normal period , just follow doctors instructions, btw I also miscarried in December so I'm sure your fine
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    I was officially diagnosed with a clot and SCH on Friday. Today I had a gush of bright red but thin blood and now I'm spotting pink. No pain or anything outside of the normal twinges... Anyone had a similar experience? I'm 8w4d
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    I went into the ER yesterday for some bleeding and pain and found out I have a small SCH. I have an appointment with my OB tomorrow to follow up. It's nice to see that I'm not alone!

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    Jeremiah 1:5          *   *   *           Psalm 139:13-16         *  *  *       1 Samuel 1:27-28

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    So spotting has turned not brown but yellowish and when I pee I notice like discharge or mucous floats in the bowl and to the bottom... Don't know what it is
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    @marafaye I have a small one as well and have been told to be on "pelvic rest" as well as partial bed rest... No lifting, exercising, sex, ect. Prior to the diagnosis I noticed my spotting worse after sex, exercise or masturbation ( sorry if that's TMI ) just don't make the same mistake as me ! Try and not worry, and rest as much as possible with you feet elevated. This will help your body reabsorb. There is an SCH support group on baby centre that actually has a photo gallery of lots of momma's with this same condition who went on to have healthy full term pregnancies! Try not to get too caught up in Dr. Google and get lots of rest... Oh yes, and drink LOTS of water... This is supposed to help with healing.
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    Savlin12 said:

    So spotting has turned not brown but yellowish and when I pee I notice like discharge or mucous floats in the bowl and to the bottom... Don't know what it is

    I would mention that to the ob. Sounds like an infection, but don't take my word for it. Let us know. I haven't had that color myself but am interested to see if that's normal or not.
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    went to the doc to get checked today and he said everything looks "really good" and that the clot is there but smaller. There's a small spot where my placenta isn't all the way attached, but because its so small still, that's normal. I'm relieved!
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    marafaye said:

    went to the doc to get checked today and he said everything looks "really good" and that the clot is there but smaller. There's a small spot where my placenta isn't all the way attached, but because its so small still, that's normal. I'm relieved!

    So glad!!! I have my next appt this afternoon! Praying for good results...

    Pregnancy Ticker

    Jeremiah 1:5          *   *   *           Psalm 139:13-16         *  *  *       1 Samuel 1:27-28

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    Savlin12 said:

    So spotting has turned not brown but yellowish and when I pee I notice like discharge or mucous floats in the bowl and to the bottom... Don't know what it is

    I would mention that to the ob. Sounds like an infection, but don't take my word for it. Let us know. I haven't had that color myself but am interested to see if that's normal or not.
    Agreed - sounds like an infection.
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    I got told a week ago today I had a SCH. It was double the size of the gestational sac but they could see baby's heartbeat so didn't seem concerned. Unfortunately last night I started bleeding and cramping. I went for an emergency US today as things didn't feel right. Sadly I had already miscarried. I'm not sure if it was because of the Sch? I really hope you all have wonderful, healthy pregnancies and a positive Sch ending!
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    My bleeding and cramping got worse and I passed my baby in the sac Sunday night, worst experience of my life
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    All the best to everyone else, hope your pregnancies go well!
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    @Siobhan309 I'm so sorry to hear this... Thinking about you... Hopefully you have the support you need. How far along were you?
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    I was 9w thought I was going to make it but didn't.. Thank you! Luckily I have a wonderful supportive husband. I will be a stronger person because of this and just have to think that this time it wasn't meant to be. But we will try again sometime in the future when we are both ready again
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    I spotted for the first 10 weeks, I was told I had a SCH and to take it easy. The day after my second US I dropped a large (I felt it was large) clot out, freaked me out! I dug through it and no solid mass there, called the Dr he wasn't concerned which was weird to me. I still spotted red for a few days after, then brown again a few days. I have now been spot free for 4 days. I have my apt Friday and it cant come soon enough. Im hoping that was just the clot they saw (even though they said it would be absorbed not fall out!) I have no pregnancy symptoms minus sore nipples. Hard to feel preggo still with no signs, so hard in the beginning of the unsure...... I am 10W5D today
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    Spotting has officially stopped for a few days now. Can't wait for my ultrasound on Monday to see if the blood clot is gone and get off these restrictions. I want sex, dangit.
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    Has anyone been masturbating... Sorry for TMI. But my hormones have increased by 1000% I serioauky am a walking orgasm. It scares me that I ther people have said that orgasms may have caused their m/c... I haven't spotted at all for 10 days but have masturbated the last 2 days in a row. No sex though.... I feel so selfish. I doctor told me mine was very small and just to take it easy, he said I could have intercourse... Just not "rough sex" .......... We have avoided the intercourse but can't help myself with the foreplay.
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    Ok 10weeks the SCH is still there but baby was happy and wiggling with a strong heartbeat! I go back in two weeks, Dr is very hopeful.
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    I was just told I have a subchorionic bleed, I think that's what it is called. Is that like what yall are talking about? I've never heard of this before. Really confused.
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    @ShianeNicole yes, that's what we're taking about :)

    Posting to bump this up... Call me paranoid but my symptoms seem to be improving (at 9 weeks that's supposedly "normal") but I can't help think about the worst. I have a follow up Monday to check on my clot, and even though I've had next to no spotting since Monday, I'm still anxious.
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    I guess I can join this discussion. I was 10 weeks last week and had to go to the ER for a gush of bright red blood. Was sure that I was miscarrying. Found out it was an SCH. Had a follow up with OB the next day and before the appointment I was bleeding like crazy. Baby is doing fine, but since then I have been spotting brown. Dr said it IS common but it does pose a risk. She suggested bed rest for this week, probably because I was bleeding so bad. I go back on Monday for a rescan. After an early MC and a 20 week loss (T18), I am scared to death!!
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    I think the hardest thing about having a SCH is the spotting will stop for a day and then I wipe and have brown blood again. I get hopeful then start to worry again. I don't know at what point I will feel like I can stop being stressed out. My Dr is very hopeful but it's just hard not to over think everything I do.
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    I can join this board. This past Friday at 10wks 5days I was sent to the ER because of bleeding. My SO and I sat there with ups and downs with each test they did and the blood that we kept seeing. Thankfully the baby was well and the cervix closed and I was diagnosed with SCH. This is so scary, I'm so glad I can read all of your comments. It helps... I follow up with my doctor on Monday, very anxious!
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    My doctor found one during my 10 week appointment. He told me it may either absorb or I might have some brown bleeding which is a sign it's draining. I was on progesterone, for low levels, and although my level is now high normal he wanted me to stay on it until I see him again on Friday. So far I haven't had spotting of any kind. He didn't seem too concerned but did put me on lifting/exercise restrictions. Any prayers and/or positive thoughts are appreciated!!! <3
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    @amandaejgreen I myself masturbated often, my Doctor said it was fine. I just didn't do it on the days I was spotting/bleeding or if I was hurting at all.

    My doctor told me my sch was gone. Yay. Off all restrictions which makes me and my hubby very happy lol. *wink* *wink*
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    Great news! Now I don't feel so guilty haha please don't leave this group!! @amwright33
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    I was diagnosed with an SCH at 6 weeks. I am now 12. I have been doing nothing, but laying around for all six weeks and that's very hard to do with a one year old. It's driving me crazy!! I went to the doctor last week and it's gotten smaller. They found a cyst inside the amniotic sac which just adds to the problem. Although, I am glad the SCH size has reduced In size, I am concerned about the cyst now. Has anyone else experienced this combination? And does anyone else have severe abdominal pain all the time?
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    @amandaejgreen I won't leave, I like everyone in our group.

    @maura+c I never had a cyst before, or ones I could feel. What problems do they add?
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    I had the same issue with my second son. The Dr had me on be dress from the middle of January till he was born in august. I went full term and have an incredibly healthy and normal child. I remember it being a very scary time. The thing you need to do is not try to focus on be worried, but focus more on staying healthy. Stress only makes it worse.
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    amwright33amwright33 member
    edited April 2015
    So this bugs me. A lot of people here ( not this group) say that sex 100% cannot cause a miscarriage. That's not true, penetration can cause a miscarriage if you have a weaken cervix. I have a friend who lost her baby that way. Almost lost another before they figured it out, they sewed her cervix shut. I know this isn't usually but it's false info to say 100%. Most people on this thread are put of pelvic rest because of a risk of miscarriage. Just bothers me. Rant over.
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    amwright33amwright33 member
    edited April 2015
    How is everyone doing?
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    I go back in on Friday, I will be 12 weeks. No ultrasound this time, he will try to find the heartbeat with the doppler. I'm a little nervous because I also have a retroverted uterus (or however you spell that). I'm putting it in my head that he won't find it. But my symptoms have been strong, every time I want to harf I remind myself that is a good thing :-)
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    I have a doctors appoinwmt tomorrow... I will be 11w1d. I haven't bled or spotted for 3 weeks now and my pregnancy symptoms are still strong. Hoping to hear baby's heart beating away. Ultrasound on May 4th. We are doing the Nucular Translucency testing ( CVS ) and of course check on the SCH. Hopefully my body has absorbed it.... Although I still feel the aching pain on my left side and sometimes sharp pain when I move a certain way, sneeze or cough. Praying that everything is good!
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