My son will be one month (4.5 weeks) old tomorrow. We have had our ups and downs but for the most part things have been good. He knows how to latch properly and my flow has been good for him. Sometimes I do have an overactive let down but isn't forceful enough to make him upset ( he will pull off take a few breaths and relatch a few seconds later no problem). My problem has been at sometimes he nurses great and randomly some days and or nights he refuses a proper latch or the breast all together. He will scream and cry and after calming him if he does latch he will nurse for a min then try to pull back to just the nipple (as if he just wants to pacify and not get milk) but I know he is hungry. He hasn't eaten much plus if he just wants to pacify he normally is content with my finger as a pacifier. I know it isn't a flow issue because I can express with no issues. Oh if I let him pull back on the breast to just suckle, he will do so for a short time and either put himself to sleep or get angry because he isn't getting much (since he isn't really latched). I just don't know if these are off times (because it can be sporadic) and there is not much I can do or if it is an issue I can actually address. On days where he is like this all day it is so stressful. I've read and read and can't find anything. Mostly people chalk it up to flow and I really don't think that is our issue. He will cry and cry because he is hungry but refuses to eat. He doesn't receive any supplement only breastfeeding. He has had a bottle on a couple of days when he got really bad I have had my husband give him a slow flow bottle just so I know he is getting something but have had him feed with me just fine after. Also he was doing this before he was ever given a bottle (has only ever had three) so I know it isn't nipple confusion. Any ideas?
Re: sporadically refusing to feed (sometimes for a day)
The other issue that I might guess at without seeing what is going on is that you may have an overactive let down and it's frustrating for him but he's trying to just deal with it. You could try nursing in a different position or laying down on your back with baby on your stomach, allowing gravity to slow your flow.
When you are having rough days like that (it's so frustrating to not know what is going on) you could try feeding him when he is just getting sleepy or do a 'dream' feed where he is asleep but willing to latch. Skin to skin during feedings if possible can be helpful and wearing him in a carrier is a great way to elicit feeding.
Is there a local La Leche League group you could get in contact with? Leaders can be very helpful and have lots of resources.
Wishing you the best!