Has anyone done acupuncture along with your IVF or FET? Do you recommend it? I have started looking into it because I figured it wouldn't hurt to try during my next FET, but I have found that in my area, no one does this. I would have to travel about an hour to get to the closest acupuncturist that deals with fertility issues. Is it worth the stress trying to drive over there after the FET? DH would have to drive me due to me taking Xanax before the procedure, so he would miss even more work. I am planning on asking my RE for his opinion also, but he has never mentioned acupuncture before.
ETA: spelling is hard
Re: Acupuncture
TTC #3 since June 2013
BFP #1 7/21/2013--EDD 3/30/14--D&C 9/24/13
BFP #2 1/28/14--MC 2/7/14
IUI #1 5mg Femara + trigger = BFN
IUI #2 5mg Femara + trigger = BFN
IUI #3 5mg Femara + trigger = BFN
Me: 41, DH: 45
DD, 6/15/2013
TTC #2 beginning January 2014
AMH 1.05; FSH range 7-11
July 2014: IUI #1. Follistim + Pregnyl. 2 follicles--BFN
September 2014: IUI #2. Follistim + Pregnyl + Ganirelix + Crinone. 4(?) follicles--BFN
October 2014: IUI #3. More Follistim + More Ganirelix + Pregnyl + Crinone. 4 follicles--BFP! Beta #1=10 Beta #2=33 Beta #3=97 Beta #4=158. M/C 11/1/14
December 2014: IVF #1. Microdose Lupron protocol. 9R, 9M, 9F. 3 5-day blasts transferred 12/15. BFFN.
August 2015: IVF #3. 14R, 13M, 11F. Froze 5 blasts for CCS testing. 3 normals. FET planned for 10/2015.
My Ovulation Chart
I am a huge fan of acupuncture and so is my clinic, I have been going weekly for this most recent cycle and often with my past cycles.
Would your clinic allow your acupuncturist to come into the room after your ET?
Me: 35 DOR - AMH 1.1 FSH 5.6
DH: 39
09/01/10 - First pregnancy - my sweet son was born
04/25/14 - Miscarriage at 9 weeks - Turner Syndrome
08/01/14 - Miscarriage at 8 weeks - Trisomy 9
October 2014 - Unsuccessful IUI
November 2014 - IUI month skipped due to cyst
December 2014 - Unsuccessful IUI
January/February 2015 - Failed IVF (standard long protocol) - 7 eggs, 6 mature, 4 fertilized (ICSI), 0 made it to blast, 0 for testing
March/April 2015 - Microflare IVF protocol with HGH - 6 eggs, 6 mature, 5 fertilized (ICSI), 2 blasts for biopsy!
May/June 2015 - Microflare IVF protocol with HGH - 9 eggs, 6 mature, 5 fertilized (ICSI), 3 blasts for biopsy!
06/18/15 - Two healthy embies based on PGS testing by Natera!
June/July 2015 - FET cycle with estradiol & PIO shots, a Neupogen treatment, and accupuncture
07/08/2015 - Transferred one lovely embie
07/17/2015 - Beta #1 136
07/20/2015 - Beta #2 529 -- BFP!!!
I have been seeing an acupuncturist for the past few months. I've only done IUI's and non-procedure cycles since I started with her and she is flexible about when I go in - so far she has wanted to see me once before ovulation and once after, but hasn't been adamant about a certain cycle day. I'm not sure how that might change with IVF.
I (like others mentioned) do it just to know that I've put my 100% into this.
She's nice and it's relaxing and she seems very committed to getting me pregnant, and is also very respectful of my doctor's opinions and wishes (which she is familiar with having so many patients from the clinic). Although being there is relaxing, it's just another thing that requires child care and juggling to get to which is not relaxing.
On cycles I haven't been able to do an IUI I've taken the herbs she's suggested.
We'll see.
TTC #2 since April 2012
Year 1 - nothing
Year 2 - two m/c
Year 3 - unexplained diagnosis & 4 failed IUIs with Clomid/Letrozole
Year 4 - still unexplained & 3 failed IUIs with Follistim & Ovidral
Year 5 - trying on our own
Dx: Me: Recurrent Pregnancy Loss; DH: Low Morphology (2%)
BFP#1: MC 3/1/11 at 6w1d - EDD 10/21/11
BFP#3: MC 2/8/14 at 4w5d - EDD 10/13/14
BFP#6: CP 11/6/14 at 4w2d - EDD 7/14/15
IVF #1 with ICSI & PGS: May/June 2015, ER 6/3/15, 17R/17M/15F
IVF #2 with ICSI & PGS: July 2015, ER 7/16/15, 16R/11M/9F
PGS results = 6 normal embryos (4 boys, 2 girls)
FET 9/23/15 = BFFN
TTC #2 since 6/2010
10/2012 DH diagnosed with Epilepsy
A few failed IUIs summer 2012 and 2013.
DH taking clomid and waiting to see if he needs another vericocele repair.
Hoping for a 2015 baby or babies.
Wishing, hoping, waiting.
TTC #2 since April 2012
Year 1 - nothing
Year 2 - two m/c
Year 3 - unexplained diagnosis & 4 failed IUIs with Clomid/Letrozole
Year 4 - still unexplained & 3 failed IUIs with Follistim & Ovidral
Year 5 - trying on our own